Tanitia Burton DB3

  1. What are examples of new literacies? Examples of new literacies include text-messaging, blogging, social networking, podcasting, photo sharing, digital storytelling and conducting online searches.

2. look at our class google doc, did any examples of new literacies surprise you? are there any examples you disagree with?

3. What did you learn from this weeks reading? Anything an individual has to be taught comes with its own literacy.

I didn’t realize that modern society had created a bunch individuals who would rather skimming through a reading on a computer instead of detailed reading through a book.

I also learned that the new generation who at times are dubbed “screenager’, does much more with technology outside school, I believe these “screenagers” rather use technology in a more informal way than a formal way because formal is too slow for them.

I agree with the statement from Donald Leu, the director of the lab and coeditor of the Handbook of Research on New Literacies “The internet and other information and communication technologies bring about new ways of doing literacy task that require new social practices, skills, strategies, dispositions, and literacies.

4. What did you learn from this weeks assigned TedTalk? In Doug Belshaw’s TedTalk ” Essential Elements of Digital Literacies” I come to realize that there’s literacies with just about everything.

Digital literacies socially negotiated and depends heavy on tent. Belshaw also mention ” the way to develop digital literacies is focus on people’s interest and to try to get them motivated to want to develop digital skills.

5. What are some “new literacies” that have helped you with your schooling? Explain.

When classes when to 100% remote learning I had to get real familiar with the online learning resources to help me with classwork, one the resources is online tutoring.

6. Have you ever had to help someone with technology (new literacies) who was not tech savvy? what was that experience like?

I’m going through that right now with my coworker (who I ended up moving across the street from) who refuses to learn how to fully complete her timesheet, on top of that she has no patience (she’s 64), at all when it comes to doing anything extra with the computer outside of her normal day to day work. I believe she’s doing that on purpose because I always tell her that she only tech savvy when it comes to online shopping from Bloomindales, Ann Taylor and Tory Burch.

7. What is One ” new literacies” that you cannot live without? In light of my spiritual journey I can say that I do not have any “new literacies” I cannot live without.

8. Explain your personality using only three emoji’s-what would be? My three personality emoji’s would be the cool smiley with the shades, the cracking up laughing face and the serious straight face smiley.

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