Daily Archives: February 24, 2022

5 posts

DB #3

  1. There are many different forms of literacy now. Such examples can be texting, social media (such as Instagram, TikTok, Twitter), places that share photos, and websites that read the stories aloud.
  2. There have been many different literacy examples, but they

Tanitia Burton DB3

  1. What are examples of new literacies? Examples of new literacies include text-messaging, blogging, social networking, podcasting, photo sharing, digital storytelling and conducting online searches.

2. look at our class google doc, did any examples of new literacies surprise you? are …

DB 3

1 . Some examples of new literacies are social media, computers, and the internet

2. All of the listed new literacies were around what I expected. I was not surprised.

3. I did not realize how much technology has affected …