DB #3 Justin Rivera

  1. What are some examples of new literacies? Some examples of new literacies are instant messaging, podcasting, photo sharing, digital storytelling and online searches.
  2. Look at our class google docs. Did any examples of new literacies surprise you? Are there any examples you disagree with? Some new literacies that did surprise me were all of them. I actually did not know what new literacies were until doing the work this week.
  3. What did you learn from this week’s assigned reading? I learned that new literacy changes are relevant to technology changes and that new literacies are more multifaceted than I thought.
  4. What did you learn from this week’s assigned Tedtalk? Illiterate and literate people can’t actually be categorized as two distinct categories because it all depends on context. 
  5. What are some “new literacies” that have helped you with your schooling? Explain. A new literacy that has helped me tremendously in school is online research tools like google and YouTube. If I’m not sure on a topic or if a professor didn’t explain what we’re doing in a way that I understand then I can google or youtube it and I’ll find something that will help me understand the material I’m confused on or to just learn something new.
  6. Have you ever had to help someone with technology (new literacies) who was not tech savvy? What was the experience like? I’ve had to help my grandmother countless times when she updated to a touchscreen phone. It wasn’t too hard to show her but she kept forgetting and saying how it’s really complicated.
  7. What is ONE “new literacies” that you cannot live without? One new literacy I cannot live without is YouTube. I’ve learned so much from YouTube over the years.
  8. Explain your personality using ONLY three emojis – what would they be? The three emojis to explain my personality would be the laughing emoji, battery emoji and the star emoji.

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