DB #2 Justin Rivera

  1. The five elements of literacy according to Szwed are text, context, function, participation, and motivation. Context is critically important in reading as it is the circumstances which form the setting for an event, statement, or idea in terms for which it can be understood. A text can have all of these elements so it’s important that a reader know this so they can understand what they are reading. One example is reading in a relatively quiet or less distracting place like a library (traditionally), their room, or even the park. I know I prefer to read with some instrumental music or to have nothing going on around me so I can immerse myself in the book or text in front of me to get a better understanding of it.
  1. Szwed recommends using ethnography methods while studying literacy because it’s the only way to find out what literacy really is and what can actually be measured.
  1. What Szwed means by this is we shouldn’t force learning on people who do not wish to learn. Forcing education isn’t the best way to educate anyone. Inspiring people to continue learning and keeping them motivated provides the best results for learning because the person simply wants to. 
  1. I’d first teach them what ethnography means because I think it’s an important method for anyone to learn so they can either get better at something or understand the topic of study better. In my experience when I’ve immersed myself in a topic of study I get a better grasp of it. Not only that but I become more motivated to learn because I start to love it and I think that would be my approach. Helping my possible students learn to love literacy so they can further their own learning and not continue the unfortunate cycle of illiteracy.
  1. What, according to Elizabeth Baker, is the sociocultural perspective of literacy? What are the four characteristics of literacy that Baker suggests we use and why? According to Elizabeth Baker the sociocultural perspective of literacy is the examination of literacy in different cultures and how literacy changes as culture changes or develops. The four characteristics of literacy according to Elizabeth Baker are semiotic (symbols and signs),  public (anyone can see your work), transitory (not permintant), and product oriented (reading to learn specific concepts). Elizabeth Baker suggests we use these four characteristics because it allows us to read and write freely.
  1. What I learned by researching “orality vs literacy” is that some cultures primarily use speaking as a way to exchange information such as storytelling. While other cultures use literacy to exchange information such as teaching children their ABC’s so they can learn to read and write.
  1. In my experience I was taught the importance of reading and that it will further develop my skill set. However, it wasn’t until the age of 11 or 12 where I started to stress the importance of writing and speaking.
  2. Literacy standards are created by what is important during the time so take social media as an example it sets the tone for what we should know or should be working towards.

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