Week 9: Hispanic and Latinx Perspectives

This week’s guiding questions:

How can we apply Szwed’s and Perry’s definitions of literacy as we study literacies of different cultures?

What can we learn about literacy and culture from exploring different cultural perspectives?

What can you contribute to this topic?

How is your research essay journey going?

Activity 1: What do you know about Hispanic/ Latinx culture, history and perspectives?

Activity 2: Read “The Potential and Promise of Latino Students


Activity 3: Watch “Defining Latino: Young People Talk Identity, Belonging” | NBC Latino | NBC

Activity 4: Watch “What Being Hispanic and Latinx Means in the United States” by Fernanda Ponce TEDx

Activity 5: Conversation 6

After reading and viewing the required materials for this week, answer the 3 questions below:

  • Describe one identity that you have that you are most proud of and explain why. Describe also one identity that you either are not proud of, or struggle with. Explain why you are not proud of this identity or why you struggle with it. 
  • After reading the article “The Potential and Promise of Latino Students” discuss one new thing you learned about the Latino population. Be specific and explain your thoughts and reactions regarding what you read and learned.
  • Choose one of the videos assigned this week. What is the main argument of the video? What reasons are used to support the argument? What are your personal thoughts and reactions to what was presented in the video?

Remember to reply to at least 1 classmate.

Activity 6: Essay Project: check in. Where are you with your research essay? See the steps and assignment info here. Check out my comments on your essay plan. Revise and improve your plan if needed. What progress have you made in the past week? Submit your check in here.

Activity 7: Start working on your essay outline. Eventually, for peer review, it should look like this.