Activity 1: What is the connection between literacy and gender?
Activity 2: Read Gender Equity Begins with Literacy.
Activity 3: Read Disrupting Dichotomies for Social Change. This is a longer scholarly article and a bigger time investment. If you only have time for a smaller dose, I’d suggest reading the first two and the last two pages, to get an overview of the issues related to gender and literacy, and to read about some recommended steps to improve the inequality that exists here.
Disrupting-Dichotomies-for-Social-ChangeActivity 4: Watch Why Kids Need To Lean About Gender and Sexuality / Lindsay Amer
Activity 5: Take Quiz 4 on Blackboard.
Activity 6: Submit your essay outline in our Conversation section on the OpenLab. Go to Conversation-Peer Review. Create a post and copy and paste your outline there.
Essay Outline
Here is the format I’d like you to follow. Please do not submit an essay draft, but rather focus on answering the questions below. This outline should serve as a base for your essay. Be sure to clearly mark your essay outline parts (part 1, 2, etc) so that your classmates can easily answer our peer review questions.
Part 1/ Introduction
State: your essay topic in your own words.
Zoom in: what is the focus/ point of your essay?
Introduce your topic: why did you select it?
Describe you research methods.
Part 2
Present your evidence.
Explain your evidence.
Please do this using numbers or bullet points. List your research/ evidence and interpret it for us–what is it and what do you make of it? You may be done with your research or you may be still in the process of working on it. Here, give us what you have.
Part 3:
Explain: which discourse describes your project, hegemonic or counternarrative?
In a nutshell, a hegemonic discourse is the story that the ruling class tells. It justifies their power and confirms that they deserve it.
In a nutshell, a counternarrative discourse is a form of resistance to those in power; it contradicts the main/ generally accepted discourse.
Part 4:
Reference at least one course material. Make a connection between the course material and your research topic.
Part 5:
So? Why should we care?
Activity 7: Continue your research if needed.