Week 12: Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander + European Perspectives + Peer Review

Guiding questions:

1)How can you benefit from our peer review session?

2)Can you define and provide examples of hegemonic and counternarrative discourse?

3) How are immigrants socialized into literacy practices in the United States?

Activity 1: This is our peer review week. Step 1 was to submit your essay outline in our Conversation. Step 2 is to comment on two classmates’ outlines by answering the 10 peer review questions about each one. At the end of the week, check out what your classmates have said about your outline.

Peer Review Week: Nov 14-Nov 21

Submit Research Essay Outline on our Discussion Board under Peer review by November 14th.

Peer Review (your critique of two classmates’ drafts) on our Conversation Board, under Peer Review.

Peer Review Questions–answer the 10 questions below to comment on your 2 classmates’ outlines. You can copy them onto your replies. Be sure to EXPLAIN, simply stating ‘yes’ or ‘no’ is not helpful for revision purposes.

  1. Does the author clearly state the purpose of the essay? Explain.
  2. Does the author clearly state which essay option they have selected? If so, which one is it?
  3. Does the author describe their research methods? Explain.
  4. Does the author state the central idea of the essay? Explain.
  5. Does the author support the central idea with relevant evidence? Explain.
  6. Does the author interpret relevant evidence? Explain.
  7. Does the author reference at least one course material? Explain.
  8. Does the author reference hegemonic or counternarrative discourse? Explain.
  9. What are the strengths of this draft? Explain.
  10. Do you have any other comments or suggestions?

Final Draft of Research Essay due by Monday, November 28th!

Activity 2: What do you know about the Hawaiian history and culture? What about European history and culture?

Activity 3: Google the terms hegemonic discourse and counternarrative discourse. Write down your definitions in our Google notebook.

Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander Perspectives: Group X

If your last name begins with the letter A – M, you are in group X. Please read and watch the assigned materials on this topic. There is no specific assessment for this unit as we are focusing on essays, but if you were to teach Group Y about your topic, what would you say?

Activity 4: Read “The Impact of the U.S. Occupation on the Hawaiian People

Activity 5: Watch “Hawaii’s Legacy of Literacy” by Puakea Nogelmeier at TEDxManoa

European Perspectives: Group Y

If your last name begins with the letter N – Z, you are in group Y. Please read and watch the assigned materials on this topic. There is no specific assessment for this unit as we are focusing on essays, but if you were to teach Group X about your topic, what would you say?

Activity 4: Read “European Immigrants in the U.S.”


Activity 5: Watch “My Life as an Immigrant”