Ashley Tineo…
Conversation Time
Part 1 Intro
-Talking about how is the diversity in New York city and
-set the neighborhood that the i chose to explore in the essay
-Discover ways that shows cultural diversity in local environment
Part 2
-taking photo to …
Ashley Tineo…
Part 1/ Introduction
State: your essay topic in your own words.
The reaction to obvious bias and impossibility
Zoom in: what is the focus/ point of your essay?
How different groups of people taking the same test with similar results …
Part 1/ Introduction
State: your essay topic in your own words.
My essay topic is “Communication and its variance among different communities.”
Zoom in: what is the focus/ point of your essay?
The focus of my essay is to study …
Part 1/ Introduction
Talk about how a specific group of minorities are at a disadvantage when it comes to literacy in the United States. Talk about literacy practices in this community that aren’t taken into account by the school system. …
Part 1/ Introduction
In my essay I will be responsible for finding interesting facts about a Native American in the U.S and I will be going deep about their education level “meaning Education system” and using what I learn to …