Essay Outline


Research Essay Plan: Option 3 - Literacy History Project

Part 1: Introduction :

1. State your essay topic in your own words.

- The impact of literacy institutionalization on a specific minority community in the United States. In other words, I am exploring how the way individuals learn to read and write in the United States has affected a specific group of people who are different from the majority.

2. Zoom in: What is the focus/point of your essay?

- Investigating how literacy institutionalization has affected a chosen minority community, with a focus on its implications for their literacy practices and access to power.

3. Introduce your topic: Why did you select it?

- The institutionalization of literacy is a pivotal aspect of societal development. I chose this topic because of its importance in shaping how we communicate, learn, and share ideas. When we look at how this happens for a specific group, we can learn about the challenges they face and how it affects their place in the community.

4. Describe your research methods.

- Utilizing a combination of historical analysis and literature review, this research will delve into primary and secondary sources to explore the historical experiences of the chosen minority community and its encounters with literacy-related institutions.

Part 2

1. State your evidence

2. Explain your evidence.

- This evidence illustrates how Native American students have the lowest high school graduation rates and, in recent years, their average ACT scores have substantially declined compared to other racial or ethnic groups.

Part 3

1. Explain: Which discourse describes your project, hegemonic or counternarrative?

- Counternarrative discourse: This research challenges the mainstream narrative by exploring how a minority community, despite facing challenges, has utilized literacy for empowerment.

Part 4

1. Reference at least one course material. Make a connection between the course material and your research topic.

- Course Material: African-Born Immigrants in U.S. Schools: An Intercultural Perspective on Schooling and Diversity
- Connection: The research by Harushimana and Awokoya focuses on the challenges faced by African-born immigrants in the U.S. education system, highlighting the lack of recognition and integration in the curriculum. This aligns with my research on the "New Racism" in K–12 schools, as both studies emphasize the importance of acknowledging and addressing the unique experiences and needs of minority groups, particularly in the context of education. Harushimana and Awokoya's call for a culturally responsive pedagogy for African-born immigrants resonates with the broader need identified in my research for a more direct acknowledgment of racism and a shift away from neutral approaches in education research.

Part 5

1. So? Why should we care?

- This research helps us see how making literacy a normal part of society affects minority communities. It's important because it lets us be more inclusive and question ideas that some people think are always right. The study adds to what we know about how reading and writing connect with power and groups that are often left out. This can lead to better conversations and rules to make our communities fairer.

Ashley Tineo

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