Murphy Cabrera | Conversation 6


The two identity I have is being an American but also coming from a Latino family background, which is what I am pound of since realizing the enjoyment I have gotten from it in my life. I found being Hispanic fun but not only any Spanish country but the one and only Dominican Republic. We have music that impacts all the different Latino countries mean while most have no sort of impact on us. If I were to compare it with being a full American, I would say we do have a beautiful island with all the possible fruit grown to perfection because of the climate while America has some disadvantages in that field.
The one identity I struggle with is allowing my struggles to become part of my identity, as for the most of us here in New York City or all of us have trouble trusting people. I have gone through a lot since my childhood years. I can say it’s just so much someone can take, so that’s when boundaries & self-awareness is born. It’s not like it’s bad to be aware or maybe step back from a stranger but the hurtful flashbacks. I had visited places and known people that are very different from new Yorkers and its sad to have negatives thoughts in my head, this what I am not proud of.
According to the article “The Potential and Promise of Latino Students” I have learned one major factor that most Latino student often fall behind in education compared to other groups, because of this drawback schools are pushing for English only instructions. I feel this is a great idea as for some parents struggle to learn English because they come here at an older age. As for the others including myself it’s never been an issue to study in English which I found much easier than Spanish, but I understand why probably migrants have that issue.
The main arguments for the first video “Defining Latino: Young People Talk Density Belonging” are having to define their identity has Latino and how they are different from each other, and how people do not see them as a Latino as if we are all the same. Thankfully they remain proud from where they come from and excited for the future of all Latinos. I find it somewhat difficult to understand how people can think Latino have just one appearance.

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