October 24,2023
Dear Ms.Adichi,
My name is Naydelyn, I’m from Brooklyn, New York. I’m 19 years old. I come from an immigrant family. My family has been discriminated against due to their color of skin and the way they looked. The danger of a single story is the way they portray fans gay events. Events that I think are lies. They portray books as real life events. But it isn’t always like that. People portray false facts of the world. There’s people like us with different skin. We may not have the same color of skin but we must have the same rights. We all have different tastes in music. Judging people due to their hair due to not being the same hairstyles as others. Excuses come with different hair textures. Africa nowadays from what I hear of my friends ks poor, no education. But they haven’t added knowledge to themselves because you’re showing us that there’s more than that. We all have one side of the story: what we think is what we create, what we tell and see is what we create. It’s what helps us make a story. Literacy can also be defined as in a story that’s-read with misunderstandings. It’s the fact that we see everyone who we want to see. All of the stories we see or hear makes us who we are. A single story makes stereotypes. Once you make a story it becomes the story you tell true or not true. Literacy isn’t only reading and writing. It’s based on problems people go through. I can relate what you’ve talked about to my previous lessons in class. People in careceted don’t getting the same education we get due to not having money. Being incarcerated you’re portrayed as bad l !have no rights. Well it also depends on the type of chargers you’re in for. Some parents aren’t teaching their kids to read or do educational stuff. That causes them to be left behind a little. In ethnography do literacy , seed had stated that ethnographies can be created in two ways: through field observations or through interviews where the subjects evictee what information to share. People use literacy in their everyday life. Literacy is also based on property. Money problems. Going to school with free lunch food. Having food stamps because you aren’t able to pay for no much . Or your job doesn’t pay you well . I can relate to your message because we’re considered people of color. We were treated differently. We’re expected to be the way people portray us. For example Mexicans, they see us Mexicans as short because we’re Mexican we’re supposed to be short. Also being Mexican we were supposed to eat or make tacos, like for example I personally don’t like tacos. Being Mexican also brings up Trump president times. We can apply to what we learned is literacy is also considered a stereotype. Everyone stereotypes people, even if we don’t mean too. The power of storytelling is a story told from different sides.
sincerely Naydelyn Bravo