I wasn’t aware of Trump making false claims against migrant groups stating that they were ‘Middle Easterners’ amongst the migrant groups. I also wasn’t aware that a quarter of Americans believed it to be true that the group included terrorists. Based off of this passage in the reading “Earlier in the autumn, the president stated that there were ‘Middle Easterners’ mixed in the caravan of the refugees heading towards the US border – again without proof, something which he later admitted.” This is something that unfortunately still occurs in modern society which backtracks the discrimination of people who struggle with such stereotypes as a whole.
2. Something that I learned through the video Misconception of Middle Eastern Culture and Religion is that there was a poll induced after 2001. In this poll, it stated that 31% of people found Muslims to be unfavorable and this percentage rose to 61% in 2015. To me it’s surprising that this number has shot up as much as it did in 2015 because I thought that the discrimination against the Muslim community was dying down but due to the number it makes me think otherwise. As a Muslim American myself, I was subjected to stereotypical remarks, but as I got older these comments were not as common, but they never fully stopped.
3. What stuck out to me was that the literacy rate of smaller wealthier Arab countries are generally higher than those more heavily populated Arab countries. From the passage, it states that “The Arab world’s literacy leader is Jordan, where 91% of adults are literate, including 86% of women. Looking at these numbers, you can understand that almost all of the population is educated in the sense of literacy. When you look at Yemen, this is not the case. It stated “In Yemen, where adult literacy rate was 49% in 2002, life expectancy was only fifty-seven years,” I believe that the literacy percentage played a role on the life expectancy.
4. https://adc.org/arab-american-students-in-public-schools/ I believe that this article brings up good points in what struggles Arab Americans may face in public school whether its stereotypical or discrimination against them. It also dives into how schools may represent their cultures in education and if they provide these factors to have Arab American students feel more welcomed.