Conversation 4 – GROUP Y

1)Select 1-2 paragraphs from The Subtle Evolution of Native American Education. Summarize them and respond to them.

Towards the end of the article, I learned a lot about Native American youth and how their own outlooks on their culture can negatively affect them. Textbooks which are provided to them during their K-12 years, impact how they feel about their identities. This creates a flawed outlook on how students will portray themselves outwardly with their culture. Some would rather check a box indicating that they are white on paper as opposed to claiming their Native heritage. There is also a want for families to distinguish themselves outside of the Native community in order to not be associated with the poor educational outcomes in Native communities.

The president of the American Indian College Fund, Cheryl Crazy Bull, cites the detrimental impact of school policies that effect the Native American youth. There is no balance or support provided to help theses students be on the same track as their non native counterparts. There is a suppression of tribal identity that takes place with these unfortunate standards. This impacts the drop out rate of Native youth and even heightens the rates of suicide and incarceration for Native adults.

2) Discuss something you learned and/ or can relate to from one of this week’s videos.

It was especially eye opening to me to learn how low the rates of graduation are nationwide for Native American youth. The community is such a small and sometimes forgotten group that isn’t discussed enough or given enough of a voice.

I really loved seeing the schools that encourage the celebration of the Native American culture and it was so inspiring to know about the outreach from colleges to encourage Native American students to have continued success.

3) Share your source on this topic–let us know what it is, why you selected it, and why it matters.

I personally wanted to share a source from the child welfare gateway. I think this is an essential source after being impacted by the article we read this week. Suicide being a common outcome for the Native American community is devastating and the conversation should be encouraged to prevent these fatal situations.

Child Welfare Information Gateway (Sources updated 2020-2021) Engaging American Indian/Alaska Native Youth at Risk of Suicide Engaging American Indian/Alaska Native Youth at Risk of Suicide – Child Welfare Information Gateway

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