Feedback on literacy narrative and quiz 1/ week 3

Dear Students,

I have enjoyed reading all the literacy narratives. Thank you for sharing a piece of your story with me. Some of you wrote about your journey of learning to read as a child, and some of you wrote about your experience with books in the later years. Many of you are grateful for the gift of your love of reading to one special individual, either a teacher or a family member–would you consider sending them your narrative, so that they know how much you appreciate them? By the way, I’ve left comments next to your grade on Blackboard so please refer to them first before asking questions. In general, if your narrative was below 2 pages long, I deducted some points, asking for more details, more examples, etc. Also, remember that this is a writing intensive class, so there are writing requirements attached to this course.

What’s more, I want to say that there are so many great writers and avid readers in this class! I found myself thinking, one essay after another, wow, this is so well-crafted, such a pleasure to read, so many connections to be made. So bravo, everyone!

I also graded quiz 1. In general, they were great, informative and to the point. Here and there, I ask for more details, more of your own voice. For example, some of you listed a literacy-related problem, but did not describe it, or you used the language from your source to describe it. I want to hear your voice here, so do paraphrase and paint as full a picture as possible of whatever it is you are explaining. In terms of the extra credit, many of you send emails to the speakers/ authors we discussed in week 3. Amazing and impressive! If anyone hears back, let me know. And if you deserve the extra credit but didn’t receive it, please also let me know by resending the screenshot of your message to me.

Keep up the great work,

Prof. Barnes

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