I learned about the eighth elements of digital literacy which are cognitive, constructive, communicative, civic, critical, creative, confident, and cultural. According to Doug Belshaw, being literate is more than just being able to read and write. It has to do with small things like opening a book or using a computer mouse to play a musical instrument which means that literacy is not something that is as simple as it is defined, and it covers a more deep and wide definition. One definition from our class glossary that I agree with about literacy is the following “Literacy is a continuum of learning that continues throughout life. It’s part of a larger set of skills that includes digital skills, media literacy, and job-specific skills” because I am a true believer that we are always learning, and it is never too late to try something new. It is surprising to find such a similar point of view. I’m able to see how similar in ideas we can be. Perry’s view of literacy in the ideological model proposed in his article sees literacy as a set of practices, in this case if you ask me, we could use it to study new literacies especially in digital literacies. Digital literacies are growing faster than ever and for those with no practice in anything related to it could be kind of difficult but not impossible. In this sense Perry also talks about “Literacy as a social practice” which has been influenced by Street’s work and directly relating to the term “new literacies studies”. Switching to Szwed definition of literacy where specific mentions “Functional literacy” we can think about as a way in which there are different ways to approach literacy which are none are better than the other therefore, we can study these new literacies from our best convenience and at our own pace. Definitely digital literacy is the main one because it makes it much easier for me to gather information and I can assure I’m not alone in this thinking. Nowadays we have the knowledge in our hands. Sometimes I feel like I take this from granted maybe because I was born in this new era of technology. When is my turn to help someone that is not so much related with the digital world as I am when I realized how different things are now from a few decades ago. So, I’m grateful I have the opportunity to experience this whole new spectrum with my schooling. Yes, I just talked about this and did not read that it was one of the questions. Anyways. I frequently have to help my dad in many different aspects of technology use. He has gotten a lot better over the years but there are still things that he just cannot get a hold on, and I help him. I honestly enjoyed helping him and teaching him things. It gets me a little frustrated when it is like the fifth time of me explaining something to him and he still just does not get it. Most of the time I just find it funny and start laughing at his mistakes. I do not do it in a bad way or to make him feel bad. He knows this and he laughs with me too. One of “new literacies” that I could not live without I could say “Text messages”. Lately I am really enjoying listening to podcasts so this is another new literacy that I would not like to remove from my life. These would be my three emojis.