Naydelyn Bravo-Conversation 2

The five elements of literacy’s are Text, Content,Function, Participants, and motivations. Motivation is shown in literacy by reading and writing skills may indeed vary according to motivation, with varying degrees of skill following differing degree of motivation. It’s used to connect the behavior and actions of a character with the vents of the story. Szwed recommends the method of Ethnography it can be created in two ways, such as through field observations or through interviews where the subjects have control over. It represents a considerable break. Swed means when he writes in reference to ethnography, that “we must come to terms with the lives of people without patronizing them”to me it means we should coordinate with people without judging and by learning how to help one another. If I were a literacy instructor at a high school in the Bronx, I would teach literacy as not only it’s about reason and writing but also about our social life. And show what’s sos important about literacy and how it can affect us within the community too. And what roles plays it plays in our social life . The 2 specific methods Perry shows of literacy is (1)field observations of literacy analogous to those used by linguists observations of writing and reading activities in natural settings, (2) boating “reading and writing autobiography” that is tape-reordered personal statements on the use and meaning of specific activities an genes of reading and writing to individuals at various points in their lives. “Orality versus LIteracy” means they are two modes of communication and expression that have different impacts on culture and knowledge. Orality is use of spoken language in society where writing and print are not widely available or used. Literacy is the ability to write and read which enables the storage and transmission of information and it can preserve and change culture, as well as provided access to a wider range of knowledge. Literacy practices shaped by communities of which we are part and in which we are raised is according to Perry’s article in the street theory “literacy is assumed to be a set of neutral, decontextualized skills that can be applied in any situation “. Literacy is consider a metaphor but Perry stated they are part of a particular view on literacy that has implications for how we think about learners, how we think about what they ought to learn and how this can be achieved. Literacy practices are patterned by social institutions and power relationships and some literacies become more dominant, visible and influential than others. Literacy standards created by opinions, ideas, data, statements and they serve everyone were all part of literacy, we all create literacy. Everyone has their own way of viewing our culture. John Trischitti said the way we live we’re able to make changes. Literacy doesn’t mean reading and writing only. It also means health literacy, financial literacy, and etc. helps us eliminate/stop the spread of property and crime.

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