LITERACY is the capacity to communicate using inscribed, printed, or electronic signs or symbols for representing language. My definition of literacy is the way you talk or express yourself. Reading and writing to strengthen your vocabulary. Looking at not only words but visual presentations . It also helps you learn how to be professional to writing essays, sending emails and etc. John Trischitti describes literacy as there are many forms of literacy such as computer literacy ,health literacy ,financial literacy. Also literacy helps you understand or produce written information . To him literacy helps us eliminate/stop the spread of property and crime. Reading to him was important it didn’t matter to him that he had to take food stamps free lunch, his father had a bond on him when he was very young. He claimed it changed him ,helped him believe that his life had all the opportunity’s that he was willing to take advantage of. I agree with him due because I think most of us all take free stuff not because were poor but it’s a;title extra help for us to save money. Everyone has a different way of living. He’s helping us understand the way we all live in order to make changes , in order to be better. Literacy plays a big part in our life , it helps us comprehend different type of skills and helps us built our skills.