Q & A about this class

Please answer one of the questions below, by replaying to me or to a classmate. Most of the answers can be found in the course syllabus, and here on the OpenLab; some answers may be obvious to you. If all the questions have already been answered, try to elaborate on one of the posted replies by replying to a classmate.

  1. What is some essential information about this class? Explain.
  2. What is the most essential document in this class? Explain.
  3. What is Conversation Time?
  4. Where can you find the weekly assignments and other course materials?
  5. What are the due dates for week 1?
  6. When and where are Prof. Barnes’ office hours?
  7. What are some tips you learned about writing a professional email?
  8. What are your tips on time management for this semester?
  9. Is this class hosted on the OpenLab, on Blackboard, or on Flip?
  10. What is a cruelty-free syllabus?
  11. What is your takeaway from the welcome video?
  12. What are some of the key rules for posting on Conversation Time?
  13. What is the OpenLab and why are we using it?
  14. What should you do if you missed some course assignments?
  15. How can you be successful in this class?

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