BiB//D:_R PPoC 3D – Final update & User Testing 3

Play/Read the prequels here:

BiB//D:_R Web-Project

BiB//D:_R PPoC 2D

My final version is ready, though i lost a lot of time in the middle of this semester and didn’t get nearly as far as id planned, im still more than satisfied with what i’ve got. There was much more i wanted to add, especially lore and dialogue, but as it is, this demo only offers the partial lore of the opening and ending sequence with a large plot hole in the middle. But those were all stretch goals, so as long as the game offers some player experience in its jankiness then I have accomplished a large portion of what I needed to.

The consensus usually was that the game could run in windows, much improvement and optimization was needed throughout the project, and a few of the mac builds came out broken, but as i do not personally own any macs it was difficult to see if i could debug and test it myself. otherwise the feedback i received in working builds was positive and much of the early feedback on lighting and performance were vital in what i needed to focus on.

Headbob was also a lasting issue, i had added it and intended on making it toggleable but something wasn’t connecting with how i scripted the headbob so in the final update i opted to remove headbob entirely and disable the menu option. And though some of the terrain is still fairly complex, i did a quite heavy smoothing of all the deepwoods terrain when trying to generate smoother nav meshes so this review was also inadvertently addressed and i hope makes a significant improvement

lighting and player speed was another vital part of my game because i really wanted to get the narrative exploration horror experience, and for the most part the lighting turned out great after a few rounds of major tweaking and testing, but in all im glad the reviews for that also came out positive in the end, especially when combined with the rain and HDRI environment i struggled with at first.

In all, this was another great experience and helped chisel out a lot more of the deep narrative for this timeline in the background that isn’t/wasn’t going to be included in the game, and eventually i hope maybe that i would revisit many of these projects and rebuild them proper in the future when there is more concrete thrilling narrative to include. So thank you professor and everyone who’s been at least slightly interested in my style.


Galactic Battle

Ever wanted to play space shooter for aim practice, No? Well, now you can  Shoot as much as you want in my new space shooter game where you don’t win or lose you just practice your aim capabilities. Shoot the enemies before they get to your aim circle..


Categorized as Final

Blue World

I decided to call the game “Blue World” due to it’s atmosphere.
Taking in the feedback from my peers I was able to add a sound effect to the coin collection and incorporate a visual representation to the collecting by the coins disappearing. I also added enemies that stand in your way from the collecting. I also added more atmosphere by adding design and textures tot he floor and blocks around you.

Categorized as Final

Escape The Monster -MEA 300 Final Game

Link of my game:

Screenshots of UI:

Screenshots of my game world:

How i improved my game using the feedback i recieved in the past

  • I improved my game by increasing the difficulty of the enemies.
  • I added a portal with a model and a mesh.
  • I added a second building
  • I increased the difficulty of the enemy
  • i added a model for the npc trader
  • I gave the game a clear goal by providing a UI in the beginning with instructions
  • I added better lighting.
  • I added more UI into the game such as a beginning ui, game over ui and end game UI.

Using the overall knowledge i gained from this class the game ended up being playable.Learning csg allowed me to create buildings.Learned how to use blender to transfer models into godot also helped me a lot as i imported a lot of assets that are in the game.Learning collisions was very useful in creating the portal, enemies, npcs and collisions for the buildings and the world barrier.Scripting also helped me out a lot as it allowed me to make the components of the game functional.Importing animated characters helped me create animations for the enemies and the npc.

Categorized as Final

Dev Blog 10


So, I got most parts of my game working. I created 3 levels, added splash menus with instructions, sounds and currently working on the scripts for the enemies, global collectible script and the hud itself. User test form 3 is up and live .

For level 1 and 2 Background music

For level 3 Background music

Final 9 to 5cape

Video Game link:


Most of the elements used in the game were modeled from scratch in Blender.

Level Design

The first level has new music, throw sound, local sound (bathroom), and sound for the collectibles.

Level 2

The second level was created with premade 3D models (Sketchfab)

User test

I was able to run 2 successful user tests. Drawing from those results I changed the music, location, and pickable quantities for the last version of the game.

User Interface

After multiple iterations, the final version of the user interface presents the number of objects to be picked and the controls.

The first level had multiple redesigns related to graphic design and the architecture of the office.

Categorized as Final

Eddie Tsui Final Project

Link to game

Video for Final Project

User Feedback

Final Dev Log:

Added instructions on splash page to indicate how to skip dialogue and added instructions on menu page on how to jump and sprint

Changed music to loop

Based on user feedback:

Changed difficulty of rotating block in level 1 by making it longer and wider

Changed the amount of launch pads in level 2 to make it easier to make it up to the top of the second platform

Categorized as Final

Final Game

Here is a link to my game:

please give me some feedback:

How i improved my game using the feedback i recieved in the past:

-A lot of people where asking for checkpoints so I added them

-fixed some bugs with the coin sound and HUD.

-Music changes (Meant to stress the player and make them fall)

-Level 2 ( game expansion)


Categorized as Final