Troubleshoot Brightspace Email and NotificationsFebruary 4, 2025February 21, 2025Why does Brightspace send email to my address? Why haven't I been receiving email notifications? Read further for troubleshooting steps. Continue reading...
How to Access CUNY BrightspaceNovember 20, 2023January 26, 2024To access Brightspace, go to Continue reading...
Edit Your Notification SettingsDecember 18, 2023January 26, 20243 CommentsLearn how to change settings such as notifications about course activity, your pronouns, and your profile picture. Continue reading...
Edit Your ProfileJanuary 25, 2024January 25, 2024Learn how to change settings such as notifications about course activity, your pronouns, and your profile picture. Continue reading...
Find Your CoursesDecember 18, 2023January 10, 2024Learn how to locate the courses in which you are enrolled in Brightspace. Continue reading...
Create a Practice Course in BrightspaceNovember 20, 2023July 10, 2024Faculty can create practice course shells that you can use to learn about Brightspace features. Continue reading...