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Creating Turnitin Assignments

If you wish to utilize plagiarism-checking software in Brightspace, we recommend setting up Turnitin Assignments. Previously, these needed to be set up and graded using a separate workflow, but as of August, 2024, Turnitin has been updated so it is more tightly integrated with Brightspace. To set up a basic Turnitin Assignment, you can follow the steps immediately below. If you need any advanced functions such as Turnitin Peermark, or if you wish to stick with the previous workflow for consistency with how you’ve already started to set up your courses, please see the “Advanced Turnitin Features” section further down this post.

Instructions for creating a Turnitin Assignment in Brightspace

  1. Navigate to Assignments (in BMCC navbar, Activities->Assignments)
  2. Click “New Assignment” (or edit existing assignment)
  3. In addition to entering normal assignment information, expand “Evaluation & Feedback” in the lower-right, as shown in the following screenshot, and click “Manage Turnitin” (with red box around it in following screenshot).
Screenshot showing create/edit assignment interface, with Evaluation and Feedback area expanded, and "Manage Turnitin" highlighted with red box around it.

4. In the options (see following screenshot), select “Enable Similarity Report for this folder.” This will turn on Turnitin for the assignment. If you wish for students to see their own scores, check off “Allow learners to see similarity scores in their submission folder.” Choose whether you would like similarity automatically for all submissions. If you wish to utilize Turnitin grading functions (such as QuickMarks, which are pre-formulated comments, or the Turnitin rubric interface — see details on Turnitin Feedback Studio here), check “Enable Online Grading for this folder.” If you don’t check that, you will have the standard Brightspace grading options for the assignment.

Screenshot of Turnitin Integration settings, with "Enable Similarity Report for this folder" selected.

Advanced Turnitin Features

If you wish to utilize advanced features such as Peermark peer review, instructor submitting on behalf of a student, self-serve paper deletion request, or TII assignment analytics, you can add a Turnitin assignment using the original workflow, selecting the “TII Advanced” option under the “Existing Activities” menu in the Content area of Brightspace:

Screenshot showing "TII Advanced" under "Existing Activities" in Content

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