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Join a Brightspace Advisory Group

  • News

Dear Colleagues,

Our migration from the Blackboard learning management system (LMS) to D2L Brightspace is underway.  All courses will use Brightspace beginning in summer 2024.  

In preparation for this migration, the LMS Transition Leadership Team has created a Brightspace transition website on our OpenLab platform. The website will be used to share information and resources with the BMCC community and will serve as a space for discussion about the LMS transition.  If you would like to participate in the online conversation, please join the Brightspace Transition community on the OpenLab. If you do not yet have an account on the OpenLab, you can sign up here using your BMCC credentials (instructions here).

In addition, we invite all members of the BMCC community to join one of the advisory groups that are being formed to help guide the transition.  If you are interested in joining one of the advisory groups, please complete this form.  

Please reach out to us at if you have any questions.

All the best,

Gina, Gail and Tom

Gina Cherry, Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Scholarship (CETLS)
Gail Fernandez, Acting Associate Dean of Faculty 
Tom Harbison, Director of Digital Education

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