This page lists posts that explain how to do the things you need to do to complete your projects for this class.
Programming Project Walk-Through
In the video below I walk through creating a programming project. This project is creating a scene with clouds and sun and then adding code to move the sun up […]
Programming Project Setup
For the Programming Module project, we’re going to use a teams feature in Replit that will give you a good base starting set of files and allow you to ask […]
CSS for Images
Basic Responsive Image and Video The following CSS will allow images to resize down (not bigger) if they are bigger than their container.
Programming Intro with p5.js
This is an introduction to programming using your Replit account and the p5.js library. p5.js allows you to use relatively simple JavaScript code to create interactive projects. The purpose of […]
Creating a Web Project
This tutorial shows how to create a web project using GitHub and Replit. This is how you will be expected to create your project for the Web Design Module. We […]
Photoshop Compositing
Composite images are images you make by combining multiple images. There are many ways to combine images in Photoshop but we will focus on a few techniques and tools that […]
Recording Audio
Help with recording audio to Audacity and on your phone.