Welcome to BMCC Voices – Audio & Podcasts

Welcome to BMCC Voices – Audio & Podcasts

BMCC Voices – Audio & Podcasts is an OpenLab community where students, faculty, and staff can enjoy the power of audio storytelling. Whether you’re a podcaster or simply a podcast listener, our community and website have something special for you.

For Students

If you have a story to tell or an idea for a podcast, BMCC Voices – Audio & Podcasts provides an array of resources to help you kickstart your audio journey. We’ve got you covered from beginner-friendly guides on recording techniques to tips on crafting engaging content. 

For Faculty

We encourage you to share this community with your professors. BMCC Voices – Audio & Podcasts offers resources tailored to integrate audio projects into the curriculum. The platform equips educators with tools to enrich their teaching approach with audio assignments.

Join the BMCC Voices Community!

If you want to dive in and amplify your audio skills, Join the BMCC Voices – Audio & Podcasts community to stay updated on the latest tips, tools, and stories. 

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