The Video Production Club meets at the Media Center room S533c in the main building on Wednesdays from 2-4pm. We are the BMCC VPC and our members are interested in creating movies – but what does that mean? Throughout the Semester, the Club will produce two short films (2 minutes or less). The process starts with an idea. Students will come to the club and give a 2 minute pitch with a typed up treatment of their story (Week 3). Students will then vote on those pitches and the six highest vote-getters will be asked to write a script. The students will have one week to finish their script and on the Week 5 a table read will be performed of all six scripts. The club members will once again vote on which script they liked the best and the two highest vote getters will be produced by the club. Just like a studio system, the cabinet will act as Studio Executives by choosing the Director. Then the Director will choose his/her cast to put their film together. In addition to the two short films the VP Club produces but will also put together at the end of each semester a Student Film Festival – any student of BMCC will be eligible to submit (VPC Member or otherwise). There will also be hands-on workshops working with professional equipment bought with club funds to enhance our movie making experience. Seminars with professionals in the field. We are here to encourage creativity and push people to their limits. The videos produced throughout the semester will not just be student films, but the quality of which you may see at a top tier film festival.
Animation and Motion Graphics
Multimedia Arts and Design
Multimedia Programming