In the “Sex and Gender 101” article by Kyl Meyers. He taught me many things because I knew what gender and sex were, but not with as many details and with more clarity. For example, she argues that Gender is who we are that is socially created by the characteristics of being a man or a woman, referring to the roles that each gender plays. We have 3 types of gender which are: Gender expression, gender assignment and gender identity. Now when I find out that there are 3, I wonder when I am?. I think I am gender expression and gender assignment Because since I was little I have liked to dress up, comb my hair, draw attention to my physical appearance and in the same way I feel good as a woman, proud and comfortable. On the other hand, Sex is different, many people confuse it with gender but it has very different definitions. For example, Sex is the different physical or biological characteristics of men and women. I understand more like the difference that a child goes from being a child to a man, just like a woman, how her body changes. For example, when I was in puberty, I knew that many things were going to happen to me because my mother talked to me before it happened so that I would have an understanding and if she was not there when something happened, I would know how to deal with the situation. She told me that this is part of our body due to age and that I must accept myself as I am. When I got my period when I was 11 years old , I was scared because my mom told me that when it comes it ‘s red blood , but in my case it was different because it was like a brown discharge. I remember that I ran to her because I didn’t understand anything and thought it was something bad, but she explained it to me and from that day on I understood that this is normal in the changes of our body.
On the other hand in the essay “Feminism is for Everybody” by Bell Hooks. She teaches that it is not about treating men badly, about taking away their value and being anti-evil. Feminists just want to be accepted in society, valued and with the rights they deserve for being human beings like men of equal genders. It is the same what happens with the categories, for example, a dark-skinned person is not treated the same as a white-skinned person by society because they have created stereotypes and roles in society that one person is worth more than the other because of their skin color. when it’s not true.