Before I read the article “Feminist Politics Where We stand” by Bell Hooks. I had a similar perception to the author. However, since I was little I have read stories of women who fought for our rights. That they were feminists, that they gave everything to defend their rights. The definition that I have of feminism or rather the perception is that the fight of women for their rights is not against men as many people think no, but rather the fight for gender equality. That if a man and a woman have the same career, they should earn the same, not like before in past centuries when men earned more money for the simple fact of being a man and being the one who takes control of everything. Thanks to God and to the women who fought for equal rights, today many women can earn more money than men. Because before the woman was classified as weak and submissive because of this they challenged the value that they really deserved from her. I came to hear when I was little that the word “Feminism” was created by a woman who only wanted to take power away from men and devalue them. When I understand that it is not like that because feminist women only have the purpose of having gender equality.
I understand the quote “a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression”. This teaches that feminism is not against men. Its purpose is to end the injustices that were created by society and the stereotypes . Of being oppressed and limited by the opposite sex. That women do not want to be the ones who dominate simply to be understood, taken more into account by men and society. Hook mentions “Lifestyle feminism”. This means that your ideas don’t matter in the sense that you don’t have to share the same point of view as another feminist because she is the one who allows politics to be eliminated from a movement and she puts a different spin on it in the sense that the common stories feminists only defend their perception of rights. Similarly, Hooks mentions “as women realized that males were not the only group in our society who supported sexist thinking and behavior that females could be sexiest as well”. This emphasizes that women can be sexist just like men and that being a feminist does not mean that a woman hates a man, or that she does not show prejudice. After reading this book, I changed my definition of feminism a bit because I understood that women in the feminist movement must start from 0 because it has become a raising consciousness movement. That not all women have the same point of view of feminism changes a lot due to origin and status.
On the other hand, in the article “Sex and Gender 101” by Kyle Mayer’s.She tells a small explanation of the differences between sex and Gender.For me, the definition of Sex was that it refers to different characteristics of men and women. The different development of men and women, related to chromosomes, organs and hormones. The change that we all have from childhood to adulthood as a man’s voice becomes harsher and as a woman’s breasts grow. Generated for me is the social construction of the characteristics of a man and a woman of physical appearance, roles and relations between both genders. Maye’s mentions “Upon assigning a gender, children are then socialized according to the gender roles of the cultures they were born into”.This teaches us reality and how almost all of us pass this stage of asking ourselves these questions: Who are we? Is it good or bad to change? Why do they make fun of me for my physical change? . Genders cause oppression and are what create stereotypes.