Author Archives: kaitlyn

kaitlyn hernandez- discussion 2

to my definition “feminist politics where we stand” means that men and women aren’t standing together because it’s more about who’s sexist than feminism. before I read this reading I already had an idea of feminism. I’ve been taught by my family members that feminism is all about how men see women as tools and that women should be doing what “women are supposed to be doing in the house.” we’ve been trying to educate men and women to know more about feminism and how this is something important for the generation to come. women have been seen as tools that need to stay home and shouldn’t have a say in the world. because to them our opinion doesn’t matter. in “feminist politics where we stand” there was a quote that stated ” malles as a group have and do benefit the most from patriarchy, from the assumption that they are superior to females and should rule of us.” this quote I agree with because if men came to their sense they would know that women could outsmart them with an idea or decision making. they have a fear of losing their masculinity and letting women have all the control. this reading made me rethink my definition of feminism and sexism. i feel like I was able to learn a little more about it.

To my understanding im not very educated about sex&gender. but this is what I have in mind of what sex&gender mean based on my knowledge. the definition of sex& gender, it means that you are able to be whoever you want to be. We shouldn’t be afraid to express ourselves that makes us happy no matter what our sex&gender become. this generation that is rising up isn’t afraid of becoming someone they always wanted to be. this generation doesn’t care what the world has to say to them. our gender&sex means so much to us that we are able to express ourselves by switching up our clothing and doing things we’ve never done before. The article “sex&gender” taught me a lot of information that I didn’t know. this reading made me think outside of the box and not everything that’s on the internet or a family member tells me something or if a doctor tells me it’s going to be automatically true. people in this generation have a different definition of things and how they want to be seen, whether it’s being their gender or their sex.

kaitlyn Hernandez- reflection 8

“ The Political of Housework” by Pat Mainardi starts off with talking about the main differences between liberated women and women’s liberation. He tells us that a liberated woman is someone who has a career but takes part in a lot of sex, someone who isn’t your typical housewife. As for women’s liberation, they would fall under the more typical housewife who goes out to buy the groceries, cooks, and cleans the house. As for the man he is the one in charge, he is the one who is served and taken care of, nothing else. The main focus though is the oppression that women go through when being housewives. Not much help is offered and when it is offered some sort of excuse is made so they only do the bare minimum. For example “I don’t mind sharing the housework, but I don’t do it very well”. Mainardi gives us multiple examples of how men offer to help and the reasons they give in order to do as little as possible. Men can’t work they are strong and usually larger than women but when it comes to doing something as little as washing dishes, the idea of doing a small task 7 days a week just seems too much for them. We then continue the ready learning just how much oppression comes with women’s liberation. Oppression is built into the system and men receive all the benefits while women are left doing work. This reading taught me just how imbalanced gender roles are even when it comes to things such as cleaning and cooking, things that I would find normal because that’s what it has been made out to be over time.

kaitlyn hernandez- discussion 11

Identity politics is something personal, defined by the individual’s experience, who then forms a community/ organization based on that experience. I think that it allows food people to self-identify other than what is the norm. Williams ‘ article, gives light to the way in which we are being able to express the growth of William as they do not conform to what has already been placed. And we also see the way that education has changed. For instance, at this moment we are taking the time to educate ourselves on these topics rather than continue being complacent or in the case of Gaza in the opening sounding ignorant (referring to the blonde women). Gaza is right, identity politics can be a rather dangerous concept as there can be extremes that take it to another level. It is something that can’t be defined as one or the other since it offers the freedom for people to choose what then what it is to be given themselves affirmation and a way of creating, reaching their own self-empowerment attempting to release the shacks of oppression. “…identity politics is the radical notion that your world-view is shaped by your experiences and history that those experiences will vary in relationship to the power a group or an individual has in the economy, society, or democracy” (Gaza 190). It makes me think about the AID activism, in which many documented protests had been led by white people and had African Americans participate but only allowed them to be behind them. HIV/AIDS is inseparable from the fight against racism.

kaitlyn hernandez- reflection 9

the film” paris is burning” was strong and passionate. the film provides a vision of a fierce proclamation that LBTQ lives matter, now as they did then. in the ball world they can express who they are without trying to hid themselves of their true identities that excluded them from the normal world. The performances are the most important and influential parts of the film. After the performances you can see the joy and wonder on their faces, conveying just how much it means to them to be able to perform and let their personality fly. Not only was ” paris is burning” emotional, but it also made me feel compassion to many of the individuals in the film.

the reading ” the combahee river collective statment” was a black feminist organisation that was active between 1974 and 1980. The group was created because there was sense that both the feminst movment or civil rights movement didn’t reflect the particular needs of black women. It was unfair that during the american women’s movement but didn’t gain enough credits for it. They believed that all work should be organised to benfit and equally distributed amongst the workers. It really amazes me how much the system really fails us and not much has been done about it.

kaitlyn Hernandez- discussion 1

Hello guys. My name is Kaitlyn Hernandez. I’m from Atlanta, Georgia but im now living in Brooklyn, New York. Im 20 years old and my birthday is on December 26th. My major is Liberal Arts and my minor is in nursing. I have a twin sister and an older brother who is a year older than me. I like to play sports such as soccer, volleyball, badminton, and tennis. My hobbies are playing soccer, listening to music, painting, drawing, and going outside to enjoy the fresh air. My hope and dream are to become a nurse because I want to help people and see smiles on their faces. Them telling me that I at least did something for them will encourage me to want to do more and go beyond. What I value most is my family because I know that at the end of the day they will be there for me when no one else will. I am taking this course because I wanted to know more about women’s rights, gender, sexism, and feminism.

kaitlyn Hernandez- discussion 9

In the reading “ The politics of housework” by pat Minardi, a liberated woman is described as having a lot of sex without being married and pleasing men. Many times, women like this respect themselves and know they’re worth it. They understand that it is just a pleasure until they choose to settle. Sex isn’t the only thing they do. Liberated women usually also have careers/ jobs outside of their sex life. Mainardi stated, “ has sex a-lot and has a career, preferably something that can be fitted in with the household chores- like dancing, pottery, or painting. This is also why liberated women are important to women’s liberation and helpful. Especially once they realize the oppression they face while being a housewife.

Liberated women may be necessary for women’s liberation because it helps them understand that being a housewife isn’t the only thing. From the very beginning, men grow up taught that housework is a women’s job, no one else’s. Both husband and wife could have jobs, but when it comes to the house, the wife is expected to come home to shop for groceries, cook, and clean before she can rest. As liberal women, they understand the oppression of being a housewife, which is why they take a different path. For women’s liberation, the liberated women can be seen as a beacon for change, away from the imbalance in a household; this is why the liberated women are important to the women’s liberation. 

In the piece “ the politics of the housework,” Mainardi gives us an example of a pyramid, stating that men have always been placed at the top and the bottom by women. For man, oppression is built into the system for him to receive the benefits. Since man has always been dependent on help from others, once personal becomes political, men become fearful. “He is losing some leisure, and you (women) are gaining it,” Mainardi says. “ The measure of your oppression is his resistance” it is traumatizing when you begin to lose something you are accustomed to. These are the ways Mainardi shows that the person can be or is political. The Oppression and imbalance in the relationship of men and women and the effects they would have if changed.

kaitlyn Hernandez- discussion 10

There is generational trauma that people of color carry, following standards and trying to challenge what is the norm. This statement is indeed revolutionary if it were true. Even now that slavery has been abolished, and women have been given rights, some undertones continue to affect how women of color are treated. Take, for instance, Jim Crow laws school-to-prison pipeline. The way media portrays peaceful protests coming from people of color in contrast to white people even now. We can see the way officials acted when white supremacists rampaged through the halls of Congress. If black women were truly free and valued, we would not have the continued segregation happening in Ukraine. They are not being prioritized just like many other people of color there. We would not have colorism. It is what I believe was meant by the quote.
According to River, identity politics is the focus of our oppression that is directly influenced by our identity and experience rather than trying to look at another’s oppression.  In  Paris is Burning, we are introduced to ball culture within this circle of characters who have formed their community after being socially shunned. Presenting interviews with a number of renowned drag queens. Livingston does not live through their oppression and instead gives space, understanding her own privilege as a white middle-class woman. It is a film that shows the resilience of black and Latinx queens, trans, and gender-nonconforming individuals, as they face impersonal and personal forces that attempt to dehumanize them. Working past the hardships of the AIDS pandemic, racism, homophobia, transphobia, pov­erty, homelessness, violence, harassment, and many other issues presented in that era. Challenging one’s perspective, privileges, power dynamics, and biase when viewing the film.
Capitalism presents an unfair standpoint in regard to race and gender. It favors the privileges, and in recent times when looking at abortion laws and the way Tennessee bill that would eliminate the age requirement attempt to control women’s bodies and rights. There is still a gap in wages favoring men. There is a lack of diversity and funding in private institutions for people of color from low-income families. Capitalism attempts to continue profiting from race and gender, keeping the 1% wealthy. There is racial inequality in the United States and division amongst racial groups. This economy depends on racial hierarchy.

kaitlyn hernandez- reflection 7

The triangle shirtwaist factory fire was among the first incident that we know of well to have brought about the change of labor laws, the 1938 fair labor standards act, the equal rights amendment, and the Sullivan-hoey fire prevention law. However, as we saw in the second video, 2010 humming factory fire in Bangladesh, and view some companies now like shine, dolls kill, and forever 21, to name a few, there is still much that should be changed and improved on. in both fires we’ve seen that all conditions were the same, about 100 years after the shirtwaist factory, there was again a lack of attention given about workers rights and safety. exits were locked, the system was malfunctioning or ever in working condition, family conditions and working again decided to leave what they could for their families to mourn. The people of Bangladesh had been earning less than what the workers of the triangle shirtwaist factory had been making with the addition of inflation. Their protest and demands were met with violence from officials. We see yeat again, these corporations not be held accountable for their lack of interest in human life, for the way their actions have affected these people, no compensation they gave to the families of these victims would sufist. In both cases, these fires should have been preventable. As Charles Kernaghan said, these large corporations rather have copyright laws issued as their conditions. Compared to now, we have these dast fashion industries that steal designs from small businesses that exploit developing countries and immigrants. They can make this profit because there is demand. We can say to hold the consumer accountable but then again, to do so, we would have to go into our economy and make it so that the minimum wage is higher and create more occupations. We are now cautioned about our decision; the emplaced system now does not favor anyone in the end. We have the second-largest polluter of water with fast fashion production, posing a risk to workers and communities. We still need to find ways to hold people in positions of power accountable.

kaitlyn hernandez- reflection 6

In the film created by kd hall, ” untold stories of black women,” she discussed Ida b wells on her achievements and the fight she went through to get equality for African American women. Ida was one of the founders of the national association for the advancement of people of color. Ida embodied everything that the suffrage movement was especially black women. she later became a co-owner and wrote for the Memphis free speech. Later Susan b Anthony quickly began collaborating on the women’s suffrage movement, which included fighting to end slavery and property ownership of women. Together with women were fighting and demanding change in the system. These past generations of women have come a long way. However, women still face some of the same issues, like holding themselves back, but they are still trying to break the glass and speak their minds.

kaitlyn Hernandez- discussion 8

Suffrage, labor, and the Amendment of the equal right are related because all three cover what women had to go through fighting for equal rights. In today’s society, women are still fighting to get what they deserve. Some women work so hard to get paid below minimum wage, having men steal from them without giving them credit.

Labor rights are the same as gender rights because they deal with fighting for what needs to be changed. For example, women in the work industry. Women have to work extra hard to get noticed by their bosses. Primarily if they work in a big building where men are in charge, men use women for their idea, and they will probably use them without giving any credit. Another example is how much money they pay women than the average man. Men have constantly sexualized women without even knowing it sometimes. . all they think about is what’s best for them.

Well, like I said, for equal rights. It will always be in our history, whether being in the present or the upcoming future. Everything is going to involve gender no matter you go. The most popular topic is dealing with jobs, which im pretty sure everyone knows. That is the number one topic where I feel it’s never going to change. These older men, especially those who like to do the old-fashioned way. Those types of men want to take advantage of them and use them. But overall, I think as the generation goes up. Society will start to notice the change and break the old fashion way. society is doing a little better than it did back in the olden day. So I feel like it doesn’t affect that much in today’s society.