Author Archives: Heylee Dariana Soto

Heylee Soto

Discussion bored

The suffrage, labor rights, and the equal rights amendment are similar because, Between the suffrage movement and the women’s liberation movement, the paramount feminist issue was the Equal Rights Amendment. It was first proposed in 1921 by Alice Paul who had decided that the next step was the removal of all legal discrimination against women and that the most efficient way to do this was with another federal amendment. The ERA was aimed at the plethora of state laws and common law rules that restricted women’s jury service; limited their rights to control their own property, these movements had a lot to do with suffering in order for their voices to be heard. each of these movements has something similar. That was that they were protecting or giving rights to those who felt oppressed. The suffrage movement gave women the opportunity for men to hear them out.

Heylee Soto

Reading reflection 7

I love learning and experiencing new things. I always grew up to be home and very family-oriented and I didn’t meet the real world till I got older. The number of new things I’ve learned, seen, and came across are truly an eye-opener. Whenever I learn something interesting I immediately share it with my friends and family. I love feeding positive energy and thoughts to my loved ones. even if I don’t know the individual I would be happier to educate them on something they don’t know. speaking to people who also know what I just learned is something I enjoy doing. Having deep conversations is something I try to do a lot. the simple fact that someone can educate me, even more, is am amazing. This lesson has taught been an eye-opener so of course, I explained it to one of my loved ones who are my best friend. watching the garment factory left both of us surprised. We are strong believers in the bible and everything that has had happened back then such as all the tragedies will repeat as generations keep going. It’s also crazy that what happened to these Bengali people was allowed to happen again to others. however in this case it seemed even more scarily coincidental because it was almost. In addition, something that caught my eye was the amount of money the workers in Bangladesh were getting paid hourly in 2010. they were only getting $0.28 cents. Which is a drastic difference from the U.S.

Discussion board 7

Heylee Soto

After studying the assignment for this week I learned a lot. I learned that the Women’s Suffrage Movement gave women the right to vote in elections during the late 19th century. Women organizations nationally and even globally formed efforts to gain voting and equal civil rights for women which relates to feminism. “White feminist “Black feminist”. This is why I found bells meaning of feminism and how there should be an end to discrimination.

Reflection 6

Heylee Soto

After reading the article and watching the suffrage video, the manner of being there for your household, your family, and kid of forget about yourself. Women’s suffrage became a huge priority for women during this time; especially for the right to vote. Women of the middle and upper classes created three groups that were most important to the women’s suffrage movement. thinking about I can’t picture myself being able to be so strong how these women were in this time era. I can’t picture a life where I don’t have anything for myself because I have to live for my family and household and mostly I definitely don’t picture myself being told how to live and being demanded. There are some men who were courageous enough to not act like the majority of men in this era and they actually went out of their way to help out these women. after learning about this era I have learned about so much history nobody ever speaks about. It was truly an eye-opener and makes me grateful about the era I live in today and ton see that we woman now are so much more powerful. we earn our privileges in our own way. y working hard in a totally different way these women did in the past. This documentary shows the oppression of women in our history. Many women spoke up no a=matter the judgment they woul=dve received after. The women were role models to others because they had l=alot of courage and power to do this. We know that some rights haven’t been achieved but with time, progress, and working as a team anything is possible.

Heylee Soto

Discussion board 6

After reading and watching the film “United in Anger” I learned that activism is when you have a movement for a cause to bring policy or social change. Activism has a lot to do with making other individuals hear you out. The film “United In Anger” had a group named ” act up” this group wished for a change in a society like most of us do. this group stood up for their justice. These rights are contained for people with aids and other severe health conditions. Some of these people couldn’t afford medication/treatments. In the film, this group mentioned that these types of people die from this sickness and they deserve help such as health insurance, etc. This film taught me that people who show activism fight for what they want. I have also realized that activism is only anyone’s personal reason but it is for the better of everyone in society. This shows me that we do have caring people in this world.

Heylee Soto

Reflection 5

I really enjoyed this book written by Wendy Syfret, Wendy gets straight to the point telling us readers what change looks like, the process and making it happen, and how each step is different. She makes she acknowledges them Making sure to speak upon them in case of a topic needing equity in other words rights. She slightly persuades systems/methods how to make legit meaningful change, all together in a paragraph so we can all have somewhat the same point of view. Before reading this article by wendy I had a different point of view, it changed my thinking a bit. For example, fighting for our justice and rights that’s being activism. After reading the article I agree way more with the way she views the definition of activism.

Heylee Soto discussion board 5

There is an incapable distance between the biological father and the offspring that can only be eliminated fully by jailing a woman and avoiding any other man from having access to her. This is why patriarchal societies by necessity become societies of control and separation. If we believe that patriarchy should make a change, we should let the difference be known and make it stand out. So that people know what blocking us is a system, not any individual identity. The patriarchy controls women’s fertility and reproduction because it is so powerful for the endurance of life. Oppressors are not interested in whether that is in the best interests of the babies or women but will go to great lengths to debate and control fertility at every step. At level one, challenging one part of patriarchy inherently leads to challenging each other. This is one way to explain why the idea of women’s freeing led so soon to the idea of men’s freeing, which technically means letting men go from the patriarchal sexual dynamics they now experience with each other.

Heylee Soto Reflection 4


After reading the article for this week I learned that Oppression is disciplined into four different parts that authorize each other. It showed me that the patriarchy is impacted in our generation. Sometimes we don’t understand that we can escape our system. We just need to learn how to work our way around it. We humans usually like to blame others for our fails. In the article “Patriarchy, the System, “Johnson states we are stuck in a model of social life that views everything as beginning and ending with individuals.” To me, this means that our society likes to point fingers at individuals instead of owning up to the fact that some things are just part of our society and not just specific people. After reading this article I now see it from this point of view. ours!

Heylee Soto

Discussion board 4

In my belief having privileges means that you possess an unearned advantage in society through some aspect of your identity, in comparison to people who lack that concept. These dynamics tend to reflect larger power differentials in society as people who are members of a dominant group possess privilege over those whose identity and overlook them by comparing. Oppression happens when a person exercises authority or power in a forcing or controlling way. I experience oppression by being in a non-dominant group at my workplace. Oppression in the form of disapproval. They may even suffer abuse from individuals. This video helped me define the concept of privilege because the people in the video understood that there are other people out there that suffer to get what we already have or can get easily. Privilege is not only about the things you have in life or the things you have at home. Privilege can also be about skin color, race, or/and gender. Some of us believe that men are more privileged than women or that women are privileged than men. Colored people believe that in this country we live in they will never make it to the front or as we say the top. Now a white person can say with confidence that they will make it to the top.

Heylee Soto

Reading flection 3

After reading the two articles our professor provided for us I realized the same difference between the two articles. I feel like we humans have it too good sometimes or should I say some of us do. Some of us have it all and we are too comfortable to realize our blessings. Some of us don’t realize that having a roof over our heads and food to eat every day is an automatic blessing. Oppression, on the other hand, is much easier noticed than a privilege, and Fyre looks at it as “double-blind” situations. In this generation, I feel like we are forced to smile even through our tough days. Through rains and storms if we are not smiling we will be called ungrateful or miserable because I’ve personally experienced this myself. I believe that not everyone has sunny days and there are different ways of showing it. Some might shut down and not want to be bothered and others might cry and show their misery. Frye shows us some ways that real oppression against frustrations and short-term suffering, to be able to realize these abstractions in an obvious way. This has a big similarity to the second reading where the author McIntosh speaks about her privileges. She speaks about it in a realistic and confident way. That’s the tone she gave off in the article. She mentions something similar to Frye’s topic. That man will never be able to admit to the truth and how they are over-privileged, they won’t admit it even when they see women go through a lot. McIntosh’s way of speaking about her privileges is a good way to give clarity about race and gender. Directly to White people, they realize their privileges and appreciate the things they have no matter what it is.