Nicolas Alonso Discussion 11

I enjoyed this week’s readings. By Garza and Williams. I  how they included their own personal experience to explain what they went through. I feel like both readings expanded my understanding of identity politics. In the first reading by Garza, she thoroughly explained how identity politics is a way to make sure that black women are included in the fight for their rights. Most of them weren’t included when white women were fighting for their freedom. 

I’m not sure what topics I would like to explore as a class in the remaining weeks. As of now, I can’t think of anything that I would like to know more about. But maybe my other classmates have some ideas that I would be interested in.

2 thoughts on “Nicolas Alonso Discussion 11

  1. Daniela Munoz

    Hello Nicolas,

    I also enjoyed this week’s readings by Garza and Williams. It was insightful to hear such an intimate account of what it is like to be a woman of color, in regard to identity politics. It only reinforced my beliefs on the importance opening up the discussion about identity politics.

    Thank you for sharing.

  2. Salima

    Hey Nicolas, I completely agree with you. Both authors give really good insights regarding identity politics. The constant strive to be recognized as individuals, when the whole world refuses to see your worth. The white lady at the bar refuses to see what is as clear as day regarding the diversity in races is not so surprising because we are aware if white people who deny white privilege exists.

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