The triangle shirtwaist factory fire was among the first incident that we know of well to have brought about the change of labor laws, the 1938 fair labor standards act, the equal rights amendment, and the Sullivan-hoey fire prevention law. However, as we saw in the second video, 2010 humming factory fire in Bangladesh, and view some companies now like shine, dolls kill, and forever 21, to name a few, there is still much that should be changed and improved on. in both fires we’ve seen that all conditions were the same, about 100 years after the shirtwaist factory, there was again a lack of attention given about workers rights and safety. exits were locked, the system was malfunctioning or ever in working condition, family conditions and working again decided to leave what they could for their families to mourn. The people of Bangladesh had been earning less than what the workers of the triangle shirtwaist factory had been making with the addition of inflation. Their protest and demands were met with violence from officials. We see yeat again, these corporations not be held accountable for their lack of interest in human life, for the way their actions have affected these people, no compensation they gave to the families of these victims would sufist. In both cases, these fires should have been preventable. As Charles Kernaghan said, these large corporations rather have copyright laws issued as their conditions. Compared to now, we have these dast fashion industries that steal designs from small businesses that exploit developing countries and immigrants. They can make this profit because there is demand. We can say to hold the consumer accountable but then again, to do so, we would have to go into our economy and make it so that the minimum wage is higher and create more occupations. We are now cautioned about our decision; the emplaced system now does not favor anyone in the end. We have the second-largest polluter of water with fast fashion production, posing a risk to workers and communities. We still need to find ways to hold people in positions of power accountable.
kaitlyn hernandez- reflection 7
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