kaitlyn Hernandez- discussion 8

Suffrage, labor, and the Amendment of the equal right are related because all three cover what women had to go through fighting for equal rights. In today’s society, women are still fighting to get what they deserve. Some women work so hard to get paid below minimum wage, having men steal from them without giving them credit.

Labor rights are the same as gender rights because they deal with fighting for what needs to be changed. For example, women in the work industry. Women have to work extra hard to get noticed by their bosses. Primarily if they work in a big building where men are in charge, men use women for their idea, and they will probably use them without giving any credit. Another example is how much money they pay women than the average man. Men have constantly sexualized women without even knowing it sometimes. . all they think about is what’s best for them.

Well, like I said, for equal rights. It will always be in our history, whether being in the present or the upcoming future. Everything is going to involve gender no matter you go. The most popular topic is dealing with jobs, which im pretty sure everyone knows. That is the number one topic where I feel it’s never going to change. These older men, especially those who like to do the old-fashioned way. Those types of men want to take advantage of them and use them. But overall, I think as the generation goes up. Society will start to notice the change and break the old fashion way. society is doing a little better than it did back in the olden day. So I feel like it doesn’t affect that much in today’s society.

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