Identity politics is something personal, defined by the individual’s experience, who then forms a community/ organization based on that experience. I think that it allows food people to self-identify other than what is the norm. Williams ‘ article, gives light to the way in which we are being able to express the growth of William as they do not conform to what has already been placed. And we also see the way that education has changed. For instance, at this moment we are taking the time to educate ourselves on these topics rather than continue being complacent or in the case of Gaza in the opening sounding ignorant (referring to the blonde women). Gaza is right, identity politics can be a rather dangerous concept as there can be extremes that take it to another level. It is something that can’t be defined as one or the other since it offers the freedom for people to choose what then what it is to be given themselves affirmation and a way of creating, reaching their own self-empowerment attempting to release the shacks of oppression. “…identity politics is the radical notion that your world-view is shaped by your experiences and history that those experiences will vary in relationship to the power a group or an individual has in the economy, society, or democracy” (Gaza 190). It makes me think about the AID activism, in which many documented protests had been led by white people and had African Americans participate but only allowed them to be behind them. HIV/AIDS is inseparable from the fight against racism.
kaitlyn hernandez- discussion 11
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