I like this film and article about “Latinos who were represented in the Vietnam War and their families” because they are fight for what they think are they rights.
Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, and others were among the ethnic groups that fought in the war. Ethnic families with a good background, on the other hand, did not have to fight. They registered in good schools and sent the rest of their classmates to fight in the war on their behalf.
Discrimination was felt on the war as well as by veteran families at home. At the battleground, there was a lot of racism. Veteran families are protesting in the streets even though they are at war. Veterans found it difficult to fight militarily for their nations on the battlefield while also fighting for citizenship and equal rights. Even so, the veterans had to return home and continue the war with their families. Latinos began to believe that they were being exploited, which prompted anti government protests in the community.
You should recognize that we all have the same rights because we are all humans, and it now tends to depend on your identity.Your character has advanced.
The fact that they were mistreated and subjected to fighting and colonization of their lands led to this guerrilla war. I realized that no matter what time of year it is, we must all fight for our rights so that we can say in the morning, “I am Latina, and I am proud to be one.”