Orvana Williams Reflection 13

This weeks reading really made me focus on, Alito who described the right to abortion as something that is “not rooted in the Nation’s history and traditions.” The draft discusses the idea that they now think the authority of prohibiting abortion should be at the hands of the people and it’s representatives. Alito seems to be very strong in his opinions as it seems he mocks Justice Harry Blackmum. He claims that it was ‘egregiously wrong when decided” to allow abortion rights and inappropriately expresses his opinion as superior to others, calling doctors and nurses abortionists, and even attempting to use race in the discussion in reference to black fetuses being in a high percentage of abortion. Alito continues to reference the 19th and 20th century traditions as though they are our own and makes his draft full in that thought, undermining all of the progress in the transformation in society’s norms.

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