Jade Pimentel Discussion 10

I see people of color to be the backbone and the building blocks to society. So once we help the ones that were placed on the bottom, it would cause the whole tower of oppression to collapse. I think that women of color have it much harder than men of color just because the women were seen as less than an object. I believe that if we can raise poc women up the ladder, then it would allow others who fall under the same oppression to rise with them. As Black Women, there are many different types of oppression they face in comparison to white women. When the women’s rights movement was in session to get the right to vote, black women still weren’t allowed to, not because they were women, but because they were black. Even though all the women in the states were fighting for the same thing, equal rights to vote, that didn’t acknowledge or represent black women. I believe that the Combahee River Collective’s meaning behind “identity politics” is more self made. So, they focus more on their identities, race, and other forms of identities to form their own political standards instead of focusing on the big group. This is seen in Paris Is Burning because most of the women there had their own forms of identity politics. They place boundaries and situations from inside their circle and outside their circles. These identity politics form what political views we want to follow based on how we view ourselves. When it comes to capitalism, race and gender are very important. It is especially when the both are intertwined. Race and gender have always been a problem in humanity because there has always been a race and gender which is seen as superior. Those being the white race and male gender. This can connect back to capitalism because capitalism can be seen as having hierarchies and if you don’t fit in being a white man, then most likely you are at the bottom of the spectrum. What I’ve noticed from capitalism is that people like me, a poor woman of color, can not move out of this poverty. Whenever one tries to move up the system, it is only made harder for us to continue and eventually we are bumped back down to the bottom. This system was made so that people like me cannot prosper. That’s what race and gender have to do with capitalism in my opinion.

4 thoughts on “Jade Pimentel Discussion 10

  1. Orvana Williams

    Hi Jade,
    Most definitely if we where to think back there has been some type of economics in the world since the first people traded one object for another. It’s how people make the most of what they have in order to satisfy their wants and requirements. The term “economy” refers to the social institutions that manage a society’s resources (goods and services). Goods are physical objects that we locate, grow, or construct to suit our own and others’ needs.

  2. Yin Lin

    Hi Jade,
    I like how you describe that “I see people of color to be the backbone and the building blocks to society. So once we help the ones that were placed on the bottom, it would cause the whole tower of oppression to collapse.” I totally think that is what it matters and how effective can set people free. Capitalism makes hierarchies worse and also in the states, classism and racism mixed with capitalism–capitalism makes people richer if they are beneficial from this system, and people poorer if they are the bottom. That’s why we need to find another way to shake this tower and give freedom back to people.

  3. Olivia Vanora

    Hi Jade!
    It is seriously true how important Black people are in society, and we wouldn’t have so many things we use on a constant basis had it not been for them. That is the power play that the people who are in power use against the Black community, in order to maintain oppression they use their skin color against them so that they cannot climb the ladder to success. A horrible dynamic for a country that prides itself on freedom and success.

  4. Sofia Arista-Juarez

    Hello Jade,
    Your response amazed me when I was reading it. In fact when you wrote “I see people of color to be the backbone and the building blocks to society. So once we help the ones that were placed on the bottom, it would cause the whole tower of oppression to collapse”, I think that within itself is such a powerful statement to say. It got me to think about how many people of color including both men and women are often put on a lower level as that compared to white men or women. However, it is women of color who I think have to face much more challenges and oppression when it comes down to work and society within itself.

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