After reading and watching the video assigned to us, it made me realize and learn more about privilege and oppression. It made me realize how certain things that I have taken for granted as well as things that I just simply brush over are privileges that have been given to me because I was born here. I have many privileges that other people in different parts of the world would wish to have. It made me open my eyes and see things from a different point of view. While I was watching the video, I knew from the start that somehow the white male would make it the furthest during the video. The reason why I stood by this is because while growing up, we are taught about how white men and women seem to be even more privileged as compared to a person of color. While reading about oppression, there were certain things that I wouldn’t have thought about or considered when it came down to the oppression both men and women would have to face and deal with. For starters, the idea is that with the simple act of feeling emotions (crying) a man could potentially feel oppressed since there is the stereotype that a male shouldn’t cry or feel anything on the contrary they are supposed to be strong. The only time it could be deemed appropriate is when a man is crying to a woman but if a man is crying to another man that is where the line seemed to be drawn. Yet a woman is labeled emotional because they can cry whenever they want ( but at the same time could also be called crazy for the mood changes they can go through, not saying that being emotional is bad).
Sofia Arista-Juarez Reflection 3
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