Privilege is this subjective immunity that has no order. Is white privilege real? Is male privilege real? I would say yes if I was asked, nevertheless whoever would be asking the question would believe what he or she wants to. I trust that we are in a society where majority of individuals know what is at stake, they either don’t have enough support of just do not care at all. Privilege creates or wall between the different groups in the country. Marilyn Frye in her reading oppression, gives so many situations of how women especially black women get oppressed. She compares the life of women to a bird that has been locked up in a cage. She has the wings, but she cannot fly. The bird does not have much liberty to move as it pleases, except for the limited space it has been granted. This is the kind of life many women live under the constructed system that has been designed to favor those in power. In situations like, when the oppressed group is starting to find their voice and retaliate to the cruelties, they are then referred to “angry, bitter or dangerous” as Marilyn puts it. Women are always told what to do, how to dress, how to talk and who to be with. You are expected to be fragile and submissive or you are told something like, “no man would want to marry a hard headed girl like you”, “you need to loose up”, “you are going to look ugly if you do not smile”. Women are told who to be in their own skin.
Reflection 3
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