Tag Archives: discussion#1


My name is Vitória Moros, and I’m working towards becoming a modern-day renaissance woman. I’m 19 and studying to get a degree in Liberal Arts. I have interests in politics, writing, philosophy, and art, so liberal arts was a perfect major that allows me to indulge in all of that. I was born in Recife, Brazil, and migrated to America when I was about seven years old. I’ve lived in New York City since, but I always go back and visit and miss my homeland every day. I’m in love with music, art, photography, writing, and fashion. When it comes to music I listen to pretty much everything but my main rotation is mostly indie rock and bregrafunk. The main form of art that I enjoy the most is digital art, different forms of animation created graphically. I feel like it just looks so cool and realistic and there is something about creating a fantasy with such vivid colors that you can see on a big screen or interact with or even become a part of. I just find everything about it amazing. When it comes to photography I have been doing it since the age of 12. I love calling my friends over and using them as a subject and just having fun. Photography gives me the ability to create a different reality from reality. With just a few props and good lighting, my friends and I can be anything we want to be. It’s just so fun. to capture and experience, a person, or just a setting from a certain place in time. Photography can even be utilized for historical purposes. It’s just a multi-use kind of medium and I appreciate that. I’m very passionate about writing and it’s where I best common irate my thoughts. I hope that in the nearing future I’m able to publish at least two books. At last, we have fashion and it’s just something I admire and pay attention to a lot. I like to see how other people put certain items together and how they express themselves. Essiantely I believe that if you are into fashion you are aware of how what you wear sends out a certain expression about yourself. I think it’s something people can have fun with and fluctuate around different esthetics. In the future, I want to make enough money so I can live a life where I mainly focus on creating new things. I’m taking this class not just to learn something new, but I feel like it is pivotal to understand what being a woman in society means.