Author Archives: Tanya Ozorio

Tanya Ozorio Reflection 7

Wow wow wow! After watching the “Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire” and “Triangle Returns” breaks my heart! It’s crazy how this is my first time hearing about this! So heartbreaking. They said this was the “deadliest workplace disaster in NYC history” Until the event of September 11. I am happy that there was no other factory made because this was labor. Immigrant women working 12 hour shifts, hot, sewing shirtwaist. Thats illegal! “As women clawed their way out” they found their fingernail! Oh my god, this is insane. There was no way out to escape! People jumped out of the building so their family can have their body instead of ashes. People that were in the streets thought it was piles of clothes and not bodys jumping out. The fire escape collapsed! The stairs emergency doors didn’t open from inside because they thought they were going to steal the clothes. And the owners were found not guilt that’s so crazy! It took this disaster to happen to take charge, to install sprinklers, doors to open out and not in. Its sad how this is actually still happening in different countries! This really breaks my heart. And for the amount that they get! Theres a factory in India that makes the clothes for H&M, I think Zara also, and the amount of money that they make, for all the working hours they do and the chemicals that aren’t good for them that’s being inhaled! And in the Triangle Returns, he’s talking about the Gap and Walmart. This is crazy! I really hate the world we are living in.

Tanya Ozorio Discussion 14

The reaction I had toward the leaked Roe v. Wade documents disgust really. To me there’s no reason why they should be overturning this law. This law if it does get passed, they’re not taking into consideration no one this is affecting. I honestly feel like even if it does go into law, there’s still going to be clinics, doctors doing the procedure under the table. So many women are scared right now about the decision that’s about to take place. The government doesn’t care if they are financially stable, in a healthy relationship, mentally stable, if they were raped or not, if you have a roof over your head, if your health or the babys health is good. Abortion should be our choice. What if something is wrong with the baby, and you just found out in the ultasound appointment because that’s what happened to my sister, we found out that my baby nephew was going to need open heart surgery the same day he was going to be born. And there was a very high risk, he wasn’t going to survive that. With all the hurt in the world my sister had to make a decision to terminate the pregnancy at 6 months. She had to do a two day procedure. She was depressed for a long time. But she didn’t want to bring my nephew into this world to suffer. And its reasons like this why they should not take away OUR rights. In the short film “This Is Lisa” there was a similar story with one of the women that called the hotline. The abortion hotline, is based on donations. They help you cover the cost of the abortion but it depends on the amount of money they have that day. This is very helpful and I wasn’t aware they did this. There were woman calling because they can’t make ends meet already and bringing in a new person into this world is going to make them struggle more. How its it that our right that we had once is again in the power of them. History is literally repeating itself. They want to control us. Aside from my feelings towards everything, this weeks reading was very insightful. I learned more about the leak that I wasn’t aware of because I dont watch the news. I found out about it through Instagram. We have to fight no matter what. Its OUR BODIES! We can not feel trapped in OUR bodies.

Tanya Ozorio Reflection 13

It was interesting to see the short film “This is Lisa.” I wasn’t aware that there is even a hotline to help women pay for abortions because they can’t afford it. Especially so close to home. There are many reasons why a women would want to end a pregnancy. Having baby is not easy. I’m happy this hotline exist. It’s based on donations but they’re helping these women pay something towards the cost. There are many types of abortion methods but the less weeks you are the easier the procedure is. The leaked documents about making abortion illegal again is just heartbreaking. I dont watch the news at all because it makes me sad so I literally rather not know what’s going on in the world. But also you see the news in other platforms like social media which is where i found out about it. Its so sad that they’re making this illegal again. Why is my question. Why is it that they feel they can tell us what and what not to do with our bodies. Its disgusting. There are women in this world getting raped, not financially stable, not ready to bring a life into this world, not in a great place in life, how are they going to make that decision for women not caring under what circumstances they are in. Its sad and disturbing. I really wish I weren’t living in this time.

Tanya Ozorio Reflection 11

This weeks readings, were truly heartbreaking. From the film “Period. End of Sentence” these girls not being educated with menstruations as well as men, from not being able to go to a pharmacy to buy pads, its insane. The way these women try to make a living by making pads and selling them and getting turned away, I just couldn’t believe it. And another sad part is that these girls drop out of school because of their menstruations. Then reading “12 Reasons it Should Be Illegal for Doctors to Treat Trans People” makes me feel angry. I dont think ill ever understand the reason why is anyone business on why they choose what to do with their life, doctors, nurses, physicians took an oath to treat people equally and save the patients life. So when I read “HHS announced it would determine whether to effectively allow federally funded healthcare providers and insurers to legally deny care to transgender people” I was floored. It’s inhumane and disgusted in the time we are living in. In the reading “A Birth Story” to be completely honest, I wasn’t in shock. Its sad that LeConté had to go through that because no patient should especially pregnant. Its suppose to be a life changing experience and for you to experience dismissiveness, medical abuse, racial reconnaissance from doctors and nurses, the whole healthcare is scary and broken.

Tanya Ozorio Discussion 12

After watching the film “Period. End of Sentence” I was completely in shock. I felt so sad, knowing what I know now about these girls is so heartbreaking. Those girls have no knowledge of what menstruation is, they don’t really know what a pad is. They stop going to school because of their menstruation is insane. It makes me realize how privileged we are to be able to have health education classes to teach us as well as family, being able to walk into a store and be able to purchase pads and tampons or cramp medication. These women don’t have many of that. The way they try to make a living, going pharmacy to pharmacy getting these men to sell pads and getting turned away is heartbreaking. It makes me want to do something about it. In the reading of “12 Reasons it Should be Illegal for Doctors Not to Treat Trans People” I’m speechless. What type of inhumane article did I just read? WHAT!? WOW! To legally deny care to transgender people? I don’t understand why is it anyones business what people do to their bodies. Doctors and nurses take a oath called “The Hippocratic Oath.” “Oath, do no harm, practice discretion and be dedicated to their work.” I, that want to go into the medical field could never deny medical care to any patient. These people already struggle on a day to day life to get accepted so for them to go through medical discrimination also? Why? Reading all these comments, is shocking the world we are living on. In “A Birth Story” I’m not shocked to be honest. I feel like nowadays the younger the doctor is the more dismissive they are. My sister actually went through a similar experience, when she was pregnant she also had to get induced due to her high blood pressure and swelling. Upon arrival to the hospital she shows them her ID because she is a physician assistant and works in the same hospital but completely different location. My sister is hispanic, she also did want a vaginal delivery and when she was giving birth she hemorrhaged. My sister was literally about to die and they were not paying no mind to her, mind you she’s a physician assistant in the hospital. Thankfully one of the nurses noticed and they saved her! My sister ended up making a compliant. When it comes to hospitals, nothing surprises me anymore. Its a shame what LeConté went through and honestly I can’t wait to get into the medical field, because that won’t happen if i’m present.

Tanya Ozorio Reflection 2

I really enjoyed Beyond the Gender Binary by Alok. I’m obsessed with him and how he expresses himself. I am not going to lie, it hurts me reading his story. It literally makes me hate people even more! The way that people treat one another is disgusting. The stares to him afraid of his life because of the world we live in. Hate crime. It happens all the time. Also him getting bullied in school by someone that was JEALOUS of his freedom of expression, and that kid coming out as bisexual and apologizing years later gets me upset. It gets me upset because what if Alok didn’t have that tough skin and he went home that night and decided to take away his life because of that one bully? Kids are so mean and it happens all the time, its heart breaking. I agree with what he said “People judge gender non-conformity because they are insecure about their identities. If they weren’t, then gender variance wouldn’t be so heavily policed.” If people weren’t so insecure about their identities the less crime there would be. Physical, verbally and mentally. Also he shines light on gender of a baby. Growing up we had only those two categories, boy or girl. Thats all I know and my son. We are divided. They condition with color, style, sport, and how we’re suppose to act as a girl or boy. It’s the normal to us but we’re not thinking of how he makes others feel.

Tanya Ozorio Discussion 7

Writing freely I thought would be great until I’m stuck on whaat to write! Honestly this class has helped me learn what feminist, oppression and privilege is. Also I now know more gender terms that I didn’t know before. I still would love to learn more about it though. Another thing I would like to discuss is what our feelings are about schools teaching kids as young as 5 years old about gender identity. Also, I would like to discuss more about women’s rights because of what’s going on right now in Texas.

Tanya Ozorio refection 12

For this week, I would like to talk about my painting. I would like to talk about my painting because its been a huge impact in the U.S. about the new abortion laws and our rights. I feel like in todays day and age, why are they trying to take away our rights? Its not fair that we don’t have a say to OUR bodies. We are the ones who should decide if we want to carry a baby not the government. Us women, feel trapped in OUR bodies again. The same way we felt many years ago. How is it that we won a fight and lost it again? It’s something so mind blowing, how men get to decide women’s rights. Also not sure how true this is because I saw it in social media and never followed up with it was that they’re also trying to ban condoms! Which if this is true, it’s just ridiculous at this point. This feels like a remix of Handmaid’s Tale. At this point is the government raping women and forcing us to have their babies. The more and more I read and hear about all that’s going on, the more I want to leave the U.S. I know I am not the only one that thinks it. We don’t have rights to anything anymore, not even our own vaginas.

Tanya Ozorio reflection 3

This weeks readings about different types of privilege really made me sit back and think of how lucky I am. Is the little things that to others are a lot. Like the water we drink or the water we bathe with. Many people aren’t as fortunate. I’ve worked with privileged people that their parents had to struggle to make sure their children make it and those are the same people that look down at us. It’s very interesting how that happens because you will think they wouldn’t be like that. The way Peggy describes that being born white you automatically are privileged because of the color of your skin is sad. It’s been like this forever. Both readings were relatable and gave me a better understanding of privilege and oppression.

Tanya Ozorio Refection 1

Both readings defiantly were an eye opener. For Sex and Gender 101, I learned that sex and gender are not the same thing as I thought it was. I knew about the basics, biological sex, which describes the appearance of the external genitalia. Theres male, female and intersex. However, I didn’t know about gender identity. I knew but not in depth. I never heard of cisgender or gender neutral pronouns. It’s amazing how there’s so many new terms and concepts about this. I don’t look at anyone different, I feel like we are all equal, we all came from the same place and that’s a woman so I don’t get why we get judged. One thing I do agree about the reading is that gender expression does change overtime and one should definatly explore. In the essay of Bell Hooks, I never knew exactly the definition of feminism. I thought it was a women movement to fight to have the same rights as men. I also thought it was anti-male. But reading this essay it opened my eyes because the media has portrayed this word like that. Hooks, has explained it amazingly, females can be sexist too! Men aren’t the enemy. She uses gender equalization, having the same rights. There is no greater of higher gender. We want to be able to be equal, and if a woman wants to go get an abortion, she shouldn’t get looked down at or punished for it. We want to have equal rights. Feminism is a movement to end sexism but praise it.