Author Archives: Bianca Cruz

Bianca Cruz

To my understanding liberated women’s is a group that fight for equality and are opposed to traditional social and sexual attitudes or roles. Womens has been encapsule in this “do and don’t” from society to be recognize as a woman. This is a group that try to change the expectation and limitations a women can do like housework where many thinks chore is only for females and the man is the one in charge of bringing the money but doesn’t or can’t do any chore. This is something liberated women fight against.

Liberated women are important for women’s liberation because it breaks cultural stereotypes and it changed how women were perceived in their cultures, but it also creates a natural (Free) woman who’s not afraid of being her, who doesn’t feel oppress by society if she decides not to get marry or decide to work. It doesn’t only bring equality in the house but outside, it gives females a place in society, in work field where many females intelligent or capacity has been limited and even under-estimate.

“I am only interested in how I am oppressed not how I oppress others” is something that stood out to me because oppressor held all the power, this can go either way, but it is more visible in how man make females feels of course they feel oppress if their chore in the house needs to be done and the women has to remind them every second, but they do not feel oppressor by thinking women is the only one that have to take care of the kids and take them everywhere. What if one day I feel like I don’t want to do i have to? why doesn’t it apply to males? Or what if the women don’t feel like cooking but the male doesn’t know how to, does they starve? the ideology that has been created needs to be break because even though women’s has gained more power and freedom over their life there are women’s in other cultures that has not control over their lives, neither their mind nor words. Political has a huge impact on this.

But A Great Man is a Women hard work.!!

Bianca Cruz

I like the specification that what one can feel as oppression the other one can feel it as privilege. I think we all have experience oppression and privilege. Like in my case as a Puerto Rican we do not have to go to many of the migration people for other countries do and it do feels like a privilege being American from birth but how all that change once we come to this country and face all this oppression for not knowing English. Also, many people when they come to school, they get push back or many people with degree don’t be valid here. So many see this as a privilege but the one experiencing this feel it as an oppression. Now I feel define privilege as something granted to you, now oppression I will define it as an Un justify treat against a person.

Reflection 2

Bianca Cruz

I honestly like the book Beyond The Gender Binary by Alok. I think the way he express him self and how well he define the term caught my attention. The fact that he describe how the person who use to bulling him at school later on came out to be bisexual is a great point and stood out to me the reason why he was doing bulling was because he was not secure of he sexuality and he needed to proof he was “normal”. I think that is a reality that many people face today. The way they try to proof them self to society they do it in the wrong way. Now the fact that he also mention how people kind of desire who you need to be rather than letting you exist is something that needs to be heard. The way he presented it in an understanding way more than an obligation to accept his point make his reading so clear and give us an understanding of many points that in my case was unclear.

Bianca Cruz

I will say my idea of feminist was not far from the one the text provide. But i do think the understanding of it is what is wrong. I like how the text clarify that feminist is not about being anti-man but more of equality and how sexist do not necessarily have a target sex but rather can go either way. Also it goes father then a sex it is behaviors and thinking. Clearly feminist is always seen as a female that can be breaking culture stereotypes and somehow “disobedient” but as Sex and gender 101 explain there are a difference between sex , genders, sexual orientation, etc I think this goes along with the text because it is important to know the difference before cataloging a word or act under something which does not necessarily means that.

Another word that caught my attention was pansexual which basically you don’t like the either sex but like the person personality is a completely new word to me and find it really interesting because i do happens a lot. This article has been a great source to clarify many question.

Bianca Cruz

There are difference between Sex and Gender Between Gender and sexual orientation. Even thought they might sound alike they do not mean the same even though they are relate. Sex refers to the anatomy and physiology a person is born while gender is cultural constructed base on the roles Sex’s should gave in society. Now you are more catalogues base on gender rather than sex. Now we have case where a person does not fit with the gender rules and so they identify as transgender. Which can actually be the case of Pansexual where a person does not like the opposite sex neither the same sex but rather likes a person personalities regardless of sex identity.


Hello Everyone,

My name is Bianca Cruz, I am from Puerto Rico but been living in NY for about 14 years. This is my last semester at Bmcc. I will like to become a nurse so I am looking into nursing programs I am a mother of two boys and nursing can be a challenging career but it will be worthy. I am currently a dental assistant which was the bridge that connect me and wake my interest in nursing as I was working in a hospital field with dental Oral surgeons. I am talking this class because it was a requirement to graduate but I am looking forward to learn and take the best advantage of this course as a women there is new things to learn that will help us and benefit us.