Author Archives: Arielly Vargas

Arielly Vargas Reading Reflection 13

The video of this week ¨the abortion divide¨ have been heartbreaking for me, it is a very tough decision for women to make and as in the video said ¨ only they (mothers) know what they should do¨. Honestly, this is a decision that is a life changing thing, and you really need to think it well. I really like that in the documentary women were involved telling their stories, their experiences and their process. Showing both sides and the different ideas that are going through their mind while they were choosing to abort, was a better way to understand their position. Its a big responsibility and most of them were struggling financially, they felt that they were not ready. This is our right, and women must take control over their lives and bodies.

Arielly Vargas Discussion 14

Abortions, during the 18th century and until about 1880 were allowed under common law and widely practiced. They were illegal only after “quickening,” the highly subjective term used to describe when pregnant women could feel the fetus moving. While I was reading the leaked document about Roe v. Wade, many questions came to my mind, and in a certain way I felt sad for those women that are going through those hard situations. The idea to overturn the decision that protected women’s rights to have an abortion really impacted me and it also brings a lot of conflict in society.  Some believe fervently that a human person comes into being at conception and that abortion ends an innocent life. Others feel just as strongly that any regulation of abortion invades a woman’s right to control her own body and prevents women from achieving equality. And others think that abortion needs to be allowed under some but not all cir­cumstances. One thing I can say is that making this type of decision requires a lot of responsibility, and the truth is that what really matters is that the child can be given a good upbringing. I believe that any decision made by a person, in this case a woman, aware of the consequences that could occur, is not our business. The reading from this week was very interesting, I was able to learn a lot about the different types of abortions, the process and everything that is involve, depending on the duration of the pregnancy. Being honest I am not totally against abortion, I can understand the different situations behind the decision that a woman can make, and it must be so hard and difficult to deal with. But, at the same time I think that abortion is not the only option we have. At the end, this is a decision that people have to respect, a right that we have as a woman and to finish this our body and we can make the decision that we think is right for us.

Arielly Vargas Reflection 7

The reading The Triangle Sweatshirt Factory fire is a very sad and disappointed situation that was occurred because of the bad conditions that many companies, or factories offers. 146 garment workers died in the fire, including 123 women and girls and 23 men, who died as a result of the fire, smoke inhalation, or falling or jumping to their deaths.The facilities of this company did not have emergency exits available, for fear of being robbed or unauthorized breaks from their working hours. I believe everything could’ve been avoided if the working conditions were safer and realistic. One of the requirements for a company to have its facilities open is that they respect the rights of workers. Its crazy how women had to deal with so much oppression and discrimination in the past and we still have to deal with a lot of things that are going on in our society. Another thing that completely move my heart was how young ladies, girls were not sought after, even as they went above and beyond to get their work done for so little, this companies were injustice about the price for hour. With this reading I realized that being a consumer of this companies means that we are supporting everything behind it. Every worker, regardless of gender and race deserves that their work is not devalued, it is important that as citizens we unite and that we fight for wage transparency.

Arielly Vargas Discussion 4

For reading this reflection I can say that women have had to deal with so much oppression and discrimination for a long time and we still have these kinds of problems. It is admirable to see our past and how women fought for their rights and faced difficult circumstances just to be able to make a change and try to include gender equality in our society. While reading the article about the Triangle Sweatshirt Factory Fire, I was frustrated and saddened to realize that this could have been prevented by giving the workers a safe place. 1Unfortunately, many companies, such as factories, are more concerned with making a profit than with the well-being of their workers. Allan Johnson’s “Patriarchy of the System” was very clear to understand and demonstrated the importance of recognizing patriarchy as a system and not as an individual. The term “patriarchy” means the socially constructed system of inequality between men and women as defined in the political, social and economic contexts in which they live. Johnson asserts that no single man can enforce the patriarchy; rather, it is a collective of people who continue to enable and allow patriarchy to persist. Most of the time at work, women are routinely exploited and underpaid compared to their male counterparts. They are then further exploited at home doing their chores, doing unpaid and undervalued work. As Americans we have the first ten amendments to the Constitution known as the Bill of Rights. Individual civil rights and liberties, such as freedom of speech, press and religion, are guaranteed. Above any circumstance we must fight for our future.

Arielly Vargas Reflection 4

The reading by Allan Johnson’s “Patriarchy the System” was very interesting and clear to understand . He stated that “patriarchy” means the system of socially constructed inequality between men and women as they are defined in the political, social, and economic contexts that affects every aspects of our lives. Its also define as a system rather than an individual personality. Women are generally excluded from participating in politics, most of the time we do not see a salary transparency, and the sexual assault situations that women have to go through because men see us with inferiority. Talking about the piece of Audre Lorde, “There Is No Hierarchy of Oppressions Its hard to thing that being a person of color and being part of a lesbian community means that you have a big probability to be abused, since those communities are seen as irregular and inferior. I really like that the autor mentions that there cannot be hierarchy of oppression. Lorde, has this concept of concurring all the oppression and having a society where being a woman, lesbian, black or a mother does not result in oppression. Oppression I believe is a situation that we all most have to go through, if its not because of your color of skin, it maybe can be because you do not have a good status.

Arielly Vargas Reflection 6

In the reading ¨‘What’s in a Name?’ On Writing the History of Feminism” (2012). Claire Goldberg Moses explains how the word feminism has been used among people. To most people, feminism have different meanings including belief and activism towards political, social, and economic equity among different gender groups. Its very interesting that the truth of the word women’s liberation is utilized towards or in things managing with ladies strengthening, whether it may be a battle against need of balance at work or sexual violence against ladies. It’s incredible that with this class I can have the opportunity to learn more about women´s past, about our history. This motivate us to keep fighting for our rights, to get together to make a change in our community, and society.

Arielly Vargas Reflection 12

There are many things that we don’t pay much attention to due to our occupations, but artist activism is a very good strategy to promote and reach society. As in the reading said ¨the goal of activism is action to create an Effect¨ Within this caused effect, it has a lot to do with moving our feelings, moving us emotionally and altering our perception of things. Art moves the heart, body, and soul, whereas activism moves the tangible world, both complement each other.  Social change does not happen by accident; it occurs when individuals choose to change. People are personally driven to change their minds and act in accordance by emotionally compelling stimuli, this is a good strategy to reach society much faster. Now, talking about the piece of art that I chose I completely think that this is a situation that we continue living. It is very important that we remember that we all have the same rights, that your gender does not matter. It is necessary to eliminate the wage disparity between men and women, which has a negative influence on the economic stability of women, families, and communities of color. And the most important thing, a salary transparency because women’s work should not be devalued.


Arielly Vargas Discussion 13

The art that I choose is Equal Pay Today! illustrated by Ashley Lukashevsky.  For decades, women had the need stood up and fought for equality. The different income between men and women and the significance of fighting for what you’re worth and your work. Women are banding together today to bring justice and transparency to their profession, which has been segregated for far too long. The gender wage gap is a situation that stills happening in our society, with racial difference, making it extremely difficult for Black, Latinx, Native, Trans, and Disabled women to achieve equal pay, to succeed. This was not just an art illustration, it was art activism that was brought to street demonstration, to state houses and shared in social media to create with theire message an effect in people´s feelings and thoughts, This artistic activism is working constantly to consolidate gender equity and bringing a change into our society, especially into women’s life.

Arielly Vargas, Reflection 11

This week´s reading reflection has touched my heart, and it’s very sad to realize that we live in a society that values, freedom and respect for the rights of life are being trampled. This class is giving me the opportunity to learn more about situations that sometimes we only know the superficial, but we do not know how serious and difficult it can be, experiences of abuse, discrimination in all areas of life that occur around the world. The reading ¨ A Birth Story¨ was the saddest for me, when a mother is in labor, what she most needs to receive from doctors is support and security. But in this case, the treatment they offered LéConte was with contempt, judging her by her race, where she felt that as a person, she had no vote, ¨invisible and disrespected¨. I really did not know about obstetric racism, but it is very disappointing that it exists, because the medical field is there to help lives that need it, and despite what she had to go through at the end of the day she had a good result that was her daughter. I hope this experience reaches many people and we can fight against medical oppression. The change in society depends on us.

Arielly Vargas Discussion 12

Human rights are rights that are part of every human being. Including the right to life and liberty, freedom of speech, the opportunity to work and receive education. Regardless of the race, sex, religion, ethnicity, etc. We all must get these rights without any discrimination. I was so surprised to read the situation described in ¨ A birth story ¨ and how racism and prejudice have no limits. It is sad, disappointing to see the society that we are creating, and how we are teaching these bad habits to the new generations. While reading, I was struck by this line ¨Black women are more likely to have C-sections than any other group of women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.¨ It does not depend on the race, where they come from, or their status, it depends on the state of the pregnancy, how the patient is and if there is any risk. It is always thinking about the well-being of the mother and the baby. We have to educate ourselves, promote values, respect for each life, that health care providers pay attention to this discriminatory racist manner and other forms of prejudice so that this type of discrimination does not continue to occur in the field of health. To achieve equity in the field of health, and in general to improve treatment and promote inclusion in society. The connections that I found across the readings and the film, was that all the situations described are based on people who do not receive the same rights and are discriminated against, people who do not have the opportunity to experience gender equality. These readings show us different scenarios, but with the same meaning, an oppression that operates and produce health inequities. ¨A Birth Story¨ a woman of color who is not given the correct health care due to prejudice, ¨12 Reasons it should be illegal for doctors not to treat Trans people¨ Trans people who are judged for their sexual orientation ¨Period : End of Sentence¨ women trying to combat the stigma associated with menstruation. This problem has gotten out of hand but it is up to us to make a difference and promote respect and care for each life.