This weeks readings, were truly heartbreaking. From the film “Period. End of Sentence” these girls not being educated with menstruations as well as men, from not being able to go to a pharmacy to buy pads, its insane. The way these women try to make a living by making pads and selling them and getting turned away, I just couldn’t believe it. And another sad part is that these girls drop out of school because of their menstruations. Then reading “12 Reasons it Should Be Illegal for Doctors to Treat Trans People” makes me feel angry. I dont think ill ever understand the reason why is anyone business on why they choose what to do with their life, doctors, nurses, physicians took an oath to treat people equally and save the patients life. So when I read “HHS announced it would determine whether to effectively allow federally funded healthcare providers and insurers to legally deny care to transgender people” I was floored. It’s inhumane and disgusted in the time we are living in. In the reading “A Birth Story” to be completely honest, I wasn’t in shock. Its sad that LeConté had to go through that because no patient should especially pregnant. Its suppose to be a life changing experience and for you to experience dismissiveness, medical abuse, racial reconnaissance from doctors and nurses, the whole healthcare is scary and broken.
Tanya Ozorio Reflection 11
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