Both readings defiantly were an eye opener. For Sex and Gender 101, I learned that sex and gender are not the same thing as I thought it was. I knew about the basics, biological sex, which describes the appearance of the external genitalia. Theres male, female and intersex. However, I didn’t know about gender identity. I knew but not in depth. I never heard of cisgender or gender neutral pronouns. It’s amazing how there’s so many new terms and concepts about this. I don’t look at anyone different, I feel like we are all equal, we all came from the same place and that’s a woman so I don’t get why we get judged. One thing I do agree about the reading is that gender expression does change overtime and one should definatly explore. In the essay of Bell Hooks, I never knew exactly the definition of feminism. I thought it was a women movement to fight to have the same rights as men. I also thought it was anti-male. But reading this essay it opened my eyes because the media has portrayed this word like that. Hooks, has explained it amazingly, females can be sexist too! Men aren’t the enemy. She uses gender equalization, having the same rights. There is no greater of higher gender. We want to be able to be equal, and if a woman wants to go get an abortion, she shouldn’t get looked down at or punished for it. We want to have equal rights. Feminism is a movement to end sexism but praise it.
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