Discussion #13

i picked both of these because the first one reminded me of what role women play in society. I feel like we are the creators of things and there is so much about us that we are good, can add onto and and can flourish in. However, her being buried  is like all that we are capable of is buried however we still manage to flourish. The second one I picked because it was a famous interview Cher had where she spoke about her mom. Growing up Cher’s mom would tell her that in order to insure her success she’d need to find a rich man. To which Cher responded I am a rich man. Stating that she will be the one to secure her success and wealth in life. I just absolutely adored her reaction to it. It’s so expected to just follow the rules and play it safe. However she was determined and she was able to get on live to and tell that story of how she made it. There’s this understanding built by the patriarchy that women need to rely on men. Cher publicly announcing that she doesn’t care for it was a bold statement. However, it was all in par true.

i believe activist art is absolutely important and necessary to culture and society. As people we experience life through what we see, hear and are taught. However what we are taught and what we think are always fluid.  Artistic activism allows people to see things they aren’t used to. Pictures have a thousand words. One is always bound to have some type of emotion whether positive or negative. Being exposed to seeing images they’re not used to is also a form of introduction to concepts they have either disagreed with or haven’t been exposed to. Though I picked much calmer versions of activist/political art there are many that genuinely tell a story. I feel as if art allows a person to express themselves with their soul. It is more than just paint or shapes put together. Sometimes we can look at art and it looks right back at us. Exposing our beliefs and making us question their foundation. I think feminist art and war art are one of my favorites. It feels like such a revolt. It’s a beautiful form of rebellion. It’s vulgar, it’s life, it’s real. Activism wouldn’t have gotten far with just words. People need something to see and look at. Something that can physically evoke feeling.

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