This week perusing reflection was so pitiful for me and it opened my eyes to the reality around the world. in some cases we are so fortunate and advantaged to live the way we do that we regularly disregard how great we have or at slightest thats my case. whereas observing the narrative period, I was pitiful to see how numerous ladies did not know what a cushion was. its primarily since in india periods are not a point of concern for ladies. I accept all ladies around the world ought to have the. proper to instruction and appropriate cleanliness. we did not select to be born with a uterus so why ought to ladies be rebuffed for it? as for the readings, I have continuously listened stories approximately african american ladies experiencing prejudice within the restorative field which is why we ought to advocate to have more african american specialists and medical attendants etc. I have continuously listened around this unthinkable that specialists accept that african Americans dont feel torment as much as other races and it sounds crazy and bigot to indeed think around.
ciara cardona reflection 11
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