ciara cardona discussion 11

Some time recently perusing these two writings I didn’t know what personality legislative issues was in all trustworthiness. I knew individuals distinguished with diverse things and there was communities and secure places for their personality. Be that as it may I didn’t know the term was ‘politics’. Within the content “The Power of Identity Politics” composed by Garza she clarifies how character and control goes hand in hand. Control influences personality and bad habit versa. Identity influences our existence whether we notice it or not since it goes hand in hand with control. Within the content she expressed how all encounters within the United States are formed with the character of whiteness. This influences each other character within the United States since at that point everybody else is appeared as the non norm. “For individuals who are not white, this could be inconceivably alienating_never seeing individuals who see like you in mold magazines, not being able to induce cosmetics that matches your skin tone.” (Garza 187) When the composed clarifies the distinction between being engaged and control it reminded me a lot of how predominately BIPOC environments/neighborhoods may not be cared for much as a white area. This can include types of foods available , health facilities or even protection from the police. The second text “Too Latina To Be Black , Too Black To Be Latina” Written by Williams explain the identity crisis she had and still continues to face growing up. This text really reminded me of how we discriminate even in our own community. This text proved to me that some people expect you to fit the stereotypes of the community you identity with like many people believed that since she speaks Spanish she must be Mexican or she must eat tacos. I topic I would like to explore is Feminism in Islamic countries. We know how feminism is perceived in the United States but I would find it interesting how other countries deal with feminism. 

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