Reflection 10 Dashira Del Rosario

When I first saw the word Identity politics I automatically thought about back in time, even though I didn’t know what it meant. I had a idea of what what it had to deal with. The word identity politics means is a tendency for people of a particular religion, race, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, moving away from traditional broad-based party politics. In a student friendly way it means knowing and caring about a set of political concerns, having a set of organized ideas about the political system, and engaging in political behaviors that support those beliefs are all examples of political ego identification. The term “identity politics” is a bit misleading, but it generally refers to the debate and politicking over matters concerning one’s, well, identity. Women, ethnic minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ persons, and religious people , such as Muslim Americans, are frequently targeted. All of the social issues you’ve likely heard about, same-sex relationship, police shootings of unarmed black men, trans people in bathrooms, gender profiling, rape culture discussions, these are typically what people mean when they refer to identity politics.

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