The “Housewives Revolt” week was very important in understanding women’s oppression and the idea of the “liberated women”. Pat Mainardi’s “The Politics of Homework” (1970) was an interesting piece and made me reflect on the fixation that some men have on finding a good woman that is clean, can cook, etc. and it made me see how unequal we truly are. Even in this day and age, women do have the freedom to work and make their own money and it is more common for couples to go half and half on living expenses, but women still are attributed to do the housework and men rarely participate in these activities. It used to be that men work and bring all the money home and take care of the woman while the woman would simply take care of her husband’s needs in the home, but now both husband and wife work and after work the woman comes home and does the house work, so essentially she has more than one job while the man can kick his feet up and relax. In ” The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm” by Anne Koedt we see the same inequality between men and women as the author addresses the act of sexual intercourse as an imbalance between the pleasure of men and women. We still see women struggling with climax during intercourse because men are too selfish to focus on women’s climax and seem to regard it as of strange nature. The reading actually reminded me of a video I saw on Instagram where men were being interviewed and they were shown a picture of the anatomy of the women’s sexual reproductive organ and when they were asked where the clitoris was, they continuously answered incorrectly. I think it’s just crazy how these things are not taught to us from childhood to avoid such ignorance and to make women have as much fun during sex as men have.
Reflection 8 Darianydelrosario
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