Discussion 12- Jazmine Hernandez

Medical oppression is still a problem in today’s society. In the end it falls under gender and race. For example, the Minnesota story by Prairie which I found absurd yet shocking. He was being questioned to confirm if he was trans or not, and even mentioned that he had to wear a ”EMS DO NOT RESUSCITATE” bracelet and carry a physician order in their bag. I feel like it   doesn’t matter what race you are, the color or your skin, what you identify as, everyone should be entitled to healthcare and feel safe that they are going to be taken care of not afraid. Which also goes into the film “Period. End of the sentence”, which I found absolutely shocking and very inspiring to watch. It’s crazy to think they knew what a period was but their reaction to seeing a pad and having questions were just shocking. Another part was when they question the men what is a period and some didn’t have a clue, which I love that they didn’t make it seem uncomfortable rather they seem like they wanted to know what it really is. In the film these ladies were able to make and sell their own product which I found so beautiful. I feel that everyone should have access to these types of products, everywhere. I also believe everyone men and women should learn about what women go through, because it’s not embarrassing, it’s nothing to be ashamed off, and it’s natural. This is something that should be spoken more on.  

2 thoughts on “Discussion 12- Jazmine Hernandez

  1. Amirah Avila

    Hey, I feel like even some women in the U.S feel ashamed about their period, especially as a child. I can’t imagine how women in India feel that even as adults they don’t have many hygiene needs, such as pads. Regardless of what we identify as we shouldn’t feel more in danger at a hospital. The LGBTQ community is discriminated against in general, so it’s completely wrong that they have to deal with that in a hospital. That’s supposed to be a safe space and it’s not. It clearly isn’t either for minorities since some aren’t treated well even in the most drastic situations. A Birth Story showed me how many people in the medical field view us!

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